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Age discrimination against older people when it comes to loans should end


The seniors’ associations have long been calling for an end to age discrimination by local banks when it comes to lending. Justice Minister Alma Zadic wants to act quickly. Your office is currently leaving open a point in time when a corresponding law will be in place. In any case, the Ministry of Justice is continuing to work on a law that will “eliminate possible discrimination against senior citizens when granting loans”.

SN/APA/dpa/Felix Kästle

Seniors often look through their fingers when it comes to loan inquiries

This is to ensure that seniors are not excluded from the lifestyle and therefore not excluded from taking out a loan, it said at the request of the APA. According to her words, Zadic wants to “quickly eliminate injustice in lending to senior citizens”. She is “very confident that we will succeed”. Because especially in old age people are “confronted with new needs”. And they cost money.

“The installation of a stair lift, the replacement of an old heating system or the need to make your own home barrier-free can cause immense costs that many people often cannot afford without a loan,” said the politician. “At the moment, however, it is often not possible for senior citizens to get a loan from their bank, despite having sufficient collateral.”

Accessed on July 24, 2022 at 10:10 a.m. at https://www.sn.at/wirtschaft/oesterreich/altersdiscrimination-von-aelteren-bei-krediten-soll-enden-124686007

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