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Age 42 Nola B3 Pregnant with Fourth Child, Husband’s Unexpected Reaction


Happy news comes from a beautiful singer Nola B3 here, Mother. Nola announced the pregnancy of her fourth child recently.

In account Instagram hers, this mother of three children shows off her distended stomach for the first time. He also showed an Ultrasonography (USG) photo of his future baby.

“Alhamdulillaah… we have been given trust, blessings, sustenance from ALLAH SWT, a big deposit from HIM. Humans can plan but God’s plan is the best. In fact, we only take care of what has been entrusted by HIM,” wrote Nola, quoted from Instagram, Monday (12/7/21).

In her upload, Nola also asked for prayers for her health, Mother. This woman whose full name is Riafinola Ifani Sari hopes that the process pregnancy until the delivery is smooth.

“Please pray well for our family… so that they are given health, protection and smoothness in carrying out this pregnancy process until delivery later.. BISMILLLAAAH, “ he said.

Nola revealed that her fourth pregnancy was never planned. Entering the age of 43 years, Nola has indeed taken care not to get pregnant again. However, God had other plans and he was grateful for this gift.

Nola B3 Pregnant with Fourth Child/ Photo: Instagram @riafinola-

Before knowing she was pregnant, Nola admitted that she did not experience sure sign of pregnancy. He even continues to work and fast, Mother.

Approaching Eid, Baldy Mulya Putra’s wife began to suspect that she was pregnant because she was not menstruating. From there, Nola checked her pregnancy with a test pack and found out that she was pregnant.

“Mixed feelings, confused about how to tell my husband and children because I was so shocked! Try it calm down yourself 2 days before tell anak2 and husband..Once they know.. anak2 immediately cry happy,” he wrote.

Unlike her three children, her husband, Baldy, was shocked and couldn’t say anything when Nola gave this surprise. Why? Read the next page.

Also check out 14 signs of pregnancy that are rarely realized, in the following video:

[Gambas:Video Haibunda]

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