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“Agáta Hanychová’s Brave Pregnancy Journey: Dealing with Swollen Legs and Injections”

Source: With the consent of Agáta Hanychová


Agáta Hanychová (37) can be seen to be all excited about the new addition to the family. But even though she only has a six-day-old baby at home, she definitely doesn’t neglect her social networks. Exactly opposite. Her live broadcasts are still almost the order of the day. In the latter, she confided that she had grown over the swelling in her legs and had to inject herself daily to thin the blood.

The third trimester must be challenging for every mother, but not for Agáta Hanychová, who manages it bravely. In the next live broadcast on your own Instagram she revealed how she deals with swollen legs and that she gets injections in her stomach.

Injections to thin the blood

“Meat helped with swelling, I tried steak. And the doctor also advised me the yogurts from Lidl with protein. My legs look like my legs already. That reminds me, I forgot to inject myself in the stomach,” said Agatha in a flash. Her fans immediately started advising her to go get the injection right away. It is an injection to thin the blood, which according to some is not fun.

Agatha praises Soukup

She also spoke about little Roza’s father Jaromír Soukup. According to his girlfriend, he is absolutely amazing. “Jaromír takes good care of us, I have broths and meat here,” Hanychová praised her love. Motherhood is challenging for both mother and father. However, Jaromír manages everything perfectly and admires his partner even more than before. “She was very brave. A brave woman,” he said on his show VIP world Special.

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