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Aganzo put investigators on his vice president and threatened to reveal “compromising” photos



The courts of Elche (Alicante) have on the table a second complaint against the president of the Association of Spanish Footballers (AFE), David aganzo, for an alleged crime of unfair administration, in which it is attributed to have caused the union a financial loss amounting to 1.66 million euros. The complaint, presented by the former vice president of the AFE Jesús Barbadilla, ‘Jesule’, and other ex-footballers who made up the association’s leadership, was admitted for processing by the head of the Court of Instruction number 48 of Madrid, Juan Ramón Reig, who ordered the opening of proceedings after appreciating “characteristics that make presume the possible existence of a criminal offense ». Later the magistrate was inhibited in the courts of Elche, since there the alleged bribery of the purchase of confidential information from an official of the Tax Agency is being investigated and where Aganzo, among others, was summoned yesterday to testify as being investigated, but it is not known presented.

One of the expenses, although in this case not quantified because the amount is unknown, of the alleged unfair administration consisted, always according to the complaint, in the hiring detectives paid with funds from the AFE so that they investigated Jesule, specifically to carry out follow-ups “throughout his working day and outside of it” during the holding of the AFE sessions in San Pedro del Pinatar (Murcia) “and he continued in Madrid once they were over.” It would have occurred “after the meeting of August 9, 2019”. The complaint maintains that the detective company “was paid from AFE funds“And that the hiring” was not submitted to the approval of the board of directors “of the majority union of soccer players. According to the complainants, the objective of David aganzo It would be “coercing” Jesule, to whom he showed “various images in order to coerce him, indicating that he would not like to be forced to make compromising photos public.” The reason for this maneuver should be found in the fact that the president of the AFE “is fully aware that Mr. Barbadilla has in his possession the photographs that were taken of the Footballers ON documents inside his office. They refer to the photos of the confidential document purchased from an official of the Tax Agency that contained payments from the Professional Football League to the rival union, a matter for which Aganzo is being investigated for bribery and disclosure of secrets. The complaint adds that Jesule’s “compromising” photographs were exhibited “to people close” to Jesule.

In addition to the hiring of detectives, the complaint indicates allegedly irregular spending of funds from the AFE amounting to 1,656,000 euros. Among them is the hiring of twenty new delegates, which amounted to 400,000 euros, when before there were only seven, of the five they were fired. These events occurred while Jesule and other members of the board were trying to convene an assembly and present an alternative candidacy to that of David Aganzo (last April the president of the AFE prevailed in the elections to the former Athletic forward Gaizka Toquero, whose candidacy denounced irregularities in the process). The rest of the expenses are financial losses of almost 700,000 euros and compensation for various layoffs, among other matters.

Aganzo did not appear to testify

The president of AFE did not appear yesterday in the courts of Elche to testify as being investigated by a alleged bribery crime, accused of ordering the collection of 3,000 euros to buy confidential information from the Footballers union ON to a Treasury official, who did appear but refused to testify. Antonio Saiz, the person who revealed this scandal, acknowledged the payment for these secret data, while the other two AFE members mentioned only answered their lawyer, denying the facts and ensuring that the case is a personal matter of Saiz against Aganzo.

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