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Against Forgetting Offenbach district

  • fromJonas Nonnenmann

    shut down

The Greens in the district council of Offenbach are concerned that the culture of remembrance of the crimes of the National Socialists could be lost.

To keep the memory alive, the Greens want to create an exhibition. As the group further reports, the Greens have already submitted a request for the next meeting of the district council on June 24th.

The aim of the application is to create an exhibition on the tyranny of the National Socialists in the district together with municipalities, historical associations and initiatives in the district. It will initially be shown as a traveling exhibition and later as a permanent exhibition, for example in the Regiomuseum.

Existing initiatives such as the Berta-Pappenheim house in Neu-Isenburg and the Rollwald camp in Rodgau are to be recognized as part of the exhibition. The Greens can also envisage a collaboration with the Fritz Bauer Institute and universities and colleges for the exhibition.

The exhibition is intended to convey to many generations “what happens when democracy loses,” writes parliamentary group leader Reimund Butz. Since there are fewer and fewer contemporary witnesses, the culture of remembrance and the existing knowledge would have to be cultivated all the more urgently.

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