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Against diabetes these 3 fruits must be eaten whole and not like that

As it has been said several times in our other articles, fruit is an extremely important food for our body. Due to their properties they can do a lot of good in preventing or helping to cure some diseases that many suffer from. For example, against the high blood sugar it can be of great help to eat these fruits. Or, as we will see in the next few lines, against diabetes these 3 fruits must be eaten whole and not like that. There are indeed some Education which have shown that fruits such as blueberries, grapes and my they can be very effective in preventing the so-called type 2 metabolic disorder. However, there is a very important condition for them to be truly effective.

The Harvard University study

These fruits must be consumed not in their juice form but rather whole. These are the conclusions of the study carried out by the medical faculty of Harvard University which monitored more than 190,000 healthy individuals between 1984 and 2008. The researchers took into consideration the consumption of fruit in general, fruit juices and individual fruits noting this very interesting thing. That is, people who ate two servings a week of some whole fruit had reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by about 23%. Others who ate less than one serving per month didn’t get the same result.

Against diabetes these 3 fruits must be eaten whole and not like that

Among these the best fruits were apples, blueberries and grapes. Unlike the latter, fruit juices have been found to have a much higher glycemic index. We are talking about almost twice as much as the whole form of the single fruit. Furthermore, it has been seen that they contain much more sugar content and further penalizing them in the analysis is the greater fluidity which favors a more rapid absorption. In this way the blood glucose is concentrated more with consequent increases in insulin levels.


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