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Against Ariel NOAH, Desta Wins the VDKATE Pingpong Competition


Ariel NOAH and Desta made it to the finals of the VDKATE ping pong competition on Sunday (5/3). Before the final match was held, a match for third place was held between Andre Taulany and Dikta.

If previously Andre had difficulty fighting Desta, now he actually shows his skills when facing Dikta. He also led the score 5-3.

VDKATE ping pong match. Photo: Doc. YouTube Vindes

Unfortunately the advantage did not last long and Dikta again turned things around to 9-6. A number chase ensued before Dikta eventually led the first set with a score of 11-9.

In the second set, Andre threw his smash and almost hit Dikta’s sensitive part, making the audience laugh.

The match heated up when the score was 10-10. Dikta and Andre made mistakes again to make the score 16-16. In the end Dikta managed to win the match with a score of 18-16 in the second set.

The final match was held at 21.35 WIB between Desta and Ariel NOAH. Unlike the previous match, now the match takes place with a best of five system where they must win in three straight sets or up to five match sets.

VDKATE ping pong match. Photo: Doc. YouTube Vindes

The first set was quite tough with Desta serving variations. A rally chop was also performed by Desta and made him 11-6 ahead.

The second set was very exciting and again Desta managed to excel with a score of 11-6. Various outwitting serves from him are quite difficult for Ariel.

VDKATE ping pong match. Photo: Doc. Youtube Vindes

Realizing that this could be the final set, Ariel appeared more violent with a combination of long and short balls. Unfortunately it seems that Desta’s skills are indeed higher so he finally excelled in three straight sets and closed the match with a score of 11-7.

“It’s amazing that the best skill was shown by Desta, really cool!” Abdel said.

VDKATE ping pong match. Photo: Doc. YouTube Vindes

A unique moment also occurred when the 4 musicians won medals. Andre Taulany, who failed to bring home the trophy, actually brought his own trophy from his home.

“Oh, bring your own trophy. Even bigger trophy,” said Vincent Rompies, laughing.

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