Home » today » Entertainment » Again… – View Info – 2024-09-25 08:04:14

Again… – View Info – 2024-09-25 08:04:14

Who calls me tonight in the fallen darkness?
– Did you recognize me?… Don’t you remember?… Come to me again…

Even for a moment… For a moment even… Come!
Take a closer look without these glasses…

And look how handsome you are… Irresistible! Athlete!
A great man from everywhere!.. Not a weak poet.

And relive the life lived!
Choose: Casanova! Or Don Juan…

Not exactly, but similar… Don’t you remember?
The Duel… The Two Swords… The Iron Gates…

Her husband… To defend his male honor again.
Well, come on… Come on… Come in here again…

At your former… Don’t you like it?
Admit it… A vague memory follows you all your life…

That’s how you were… That’s… I admit, I can’t help it
to return to it, to experience it again.

But I can move time forward…
And who will remember the old poet..

The time has come for you to be reborn again.
Choose: New York… London… Vienna… And Paris…

World unknown, alas, now you are here!
You die… It’s okay… You immediately become someone else.

Well… If you claim to be a poet again,
fate Again the poet in you will resurrect…

But with world fame… Great! Poet trembler!
And writing in English… Again! No translator…

Who calls me tonight in the fallen darkness?
I understood… I even believed… In this wonderful Pac…

Whoever you are, listen to me now…
I still feel like living… And I don’t feel like it at all…

Why do I want to become famous and great…
I don’t want and can’t have another language…

I love my country… And the poor people…
If possible, I want the same life again.

December 23, 2017
5h 55 m in the morning

#Again.. #View #Info

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