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Again, Tiphone (TELE) delayed payment of corporate bond interest

ILLUSTRATION. Cellphone booth? Telesindo Shop of PT Tiphone Mobile Indonesia Tbk (TELE).

Reporter: Titis Nurdiana | Editor: Titis Nurdiana

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. PT Tiphone Mobile Indonesia Tbk (TELE) re-postponed the payment of the 15th interest on the Series II Phase II 2016 Continuous Bond I Bonds.

In an announcement dated July 13, 2020, the Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI) mentioned that PT Tiphone Mobile Indonesia Tbk (TELE) default on interest obligations to bondholders.

“Payment of interest obligations to bondholders through holders that are supposed to be carried out on July 14, 2020 is postponed,” wrote the KSEI announcement signed by KSEI Director Syafruddin, Monday, July 13.

To be sure, the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) has extended the suspension of stock trading TELE on the entire market since July 14, 2020, on the basis of the postponement of the payment of the 15th bond interest.

Seeing its track record, the IDX temporarily suspended trading on suspension of shares TELE since June 10, 2020, as delays in the payment of coupons and principal for a number of bonds TELE.

In accordance with KSEI’s announcement dated June 19, 2020, Tiphone has also announced the postponement of interest and principal payments on June 22, 2020, namely Tiphone I Phase III Year 2017 Series B Bonds worth Rp 231 billion.

Even in its development, since July 3, 2020, Tiphone (TELE) together with four of his subsidiaries entered PKPU (postponement of debt repayment obligations) temporarily for 42 days. This is in accordance with PKPU’s request with the registration number 147 / Pdt.Sus-PKPU / 2020 / PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst on June 15, 2020.

The four Tiphone subsidiaries (TELE) These are PT Telesindo Shop, PT Simpatindo Multi Media, PT Poin Multi Media Nusantara, and PT Perdana Mulia Makmur.

The Panel of Judges in their decision also appointed Makmur, the Commercial Judge at the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, as the Supervising Judge.

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