Home » today » World » Again about the problems in BSP-Montana: With injustice you either cooperate or fight! – 2024-08-08 02:22:08

Again about the problems in BSP-Montana: With injustice you either cooperate or fight! – 2024-08-08 02:22:08

/ world today news/ There are moments in human life when it is necessary and even necessary to make thoughtful and responsible decisions about one’s own destiny, the destiny of the place in which you live, the generations and the Motherland. I would call such a decision a responsible decision, which symbolizes the personal responsibility of each of us.

Neoliberalism – an ideology of social order whose ultimate goal is to liquidate nation-states and create in their place a global desert populated by unwilling slaves and ruled by venal, self-forgetting, pathetic henchmen. This is today Bulgaria, this is also today in Montana.

Unfortunately, it turned out that Montanans cannot produce from their midst proven people who are ideologically built, able to give serious resistance to the ideological replacement of the socialist idea with the neoliberal ideology. The topic has been chewed for a long time, but no results. I will not dwell on the reasons, because they are universal for the entire BSP. But let me mention this that for many years the party has cultivated spineless incompetent novices in its leadership ranks in places. Now one can see the deficit of possible conceptual cadres. And the established commercial players, who managed to embed themselves in the BSP, focused on feudalizing the Party’s Municipal Management and purposefully using it for personal benefit, combined with influence and power. This complex interwoven sphere of interests is also the reason why the Montana Municipal Organization did not function for nearly two years.

BSP in Montana is not developing and strengthening, despite the euphoria after the presidential elections, on the contrary, it is mutating even more! The appetite for power and influence became even more established, born of personal ambition and interests. The party constitution has become an unnecessary code. Violations inadmissible for a left-wing party, even shocking ones – accounting, organizational, ideological, lack of political life, silence in the attempt to erase the historical memory of Bulgaria /and in the time of socialism/, silence also in the mockery of fraternal Russia, etc. ., even massive non-payment of membership fees – example: the president of the Montana municipal organization herself did not pay. What does this look like? Catastrophic irresponsibility, bordering on some insanity, that such an organization can exist! And above all, with the enviable self-confidence of a successful feudal lord, he chose obedient and dependent populists, stimulating them with promises and hopes that they could benefit from the party’s future when he was in power, or close to power, but not to get rich. , but to raise their standard of living, because they are only obedient and faithful to the mistress.

Now this is a hit among BSP circles – to surround themselves with “obedient and faithful” and get rich, which means that they will be influential in the party and in power for a long time. Unfortunately, among the people in the leadership of the left, I do not see those who realize what responsibility is assigned to the BSP for the future of Montana and Bulgaria. But there are plenty of those who now rub their hands and lick themselves at the thought that they will get hold of power and settle in it. Worst of all, they have embedded themselves in party structures in places like a cancerous tumor and will not easily let go of their privileges to determine policy and representation lists. During the inspection of the organizational and financial status of the Municipal Organization of the BSP Montana by the All-Party Control Commission of the BSP, an extremely alarming situation was found. The management and control bodies elected by the conference do not fulfill their duties. The intra-party tension is quite high. There are no measures for working with main party organizations and solutions for expanding the influence in the Municipality of Montana.

And finally: Provides the National Assembly of the BSP with the information of the working group with the conclusions, assessments and recommendations made by it and offers it to take measures, in accordance with its statutory powers, to overcome the problems in the Municipal Party Organization of the BSP Montana.

Well… these are some concrete measures for the problem of almost 2 years. As during these 2 years, dozens of letters were written with information about the alarming state of the organization and… nothing! “The dog barks, and the caravan moves on”. Paratroopers from Positano join the organization, pay and become deputies – that’s it! “You have a cow – you drink milk, you don’t have a cow – you look”. And from all this fuss, I am of the opinion that we have already reached a situation where there are more socialists outside the BSP than in the BSP. And actually what can be expected in the near future? In my opinion – nothing! Everything will remain as it was. Only a cigarette will be lifted and Svetlin Nikolov will smile red-faced and close the conference, and the self-appointed will give us a smile, two kebabs with a bottle of cold water, and the worthy and true socialists will have left the conference a long time ago and will never participate again in such a masquerade.

And….the old song in a new voice.

That would be the scenario if the statute were to apply.

That will be the end of the Montana organization.

This will be a very serious test for the National Assembly of BSP – Positano.

But, if the National Assembly of the BSP withdraws its trust from the entire leadership of the Municipal Party Organization of the BSP Montana, which is recommended by the All-Party Control Commission, then things will look different.

The organization will be restarted with new elections and a new chairman with new leadership can be expected.

In one word – “To be, or not to be!”

It is impossible to be indifferent to business socialism and injustice. With injustice you either cooperate or fight! True generosity toward the future is to devote your struggle for social justice to the present.

#problems #BSPMontana #injustice #cooperate #fight

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