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Afternoon dry and clear, the forecast in New York for Tuesday | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

let’s go with our meteorologist,weather conditions.in the future we will pass withberenice.lucrecia: we have temperaturespretty cool in thismoment.we see north of ourregon a therometer that marks26 °, 29 °, 32 °.we are already approaching themedium 30 °, temperaturesnext for today ,.a morning that has beenpretty trusty, especially ifyousemal got used to thetemperatures we had on the daySunday,today we have not seen accumulation,clear skies in part of thewe talk about rainfallfor wednesday, for himFriday and for the day Sunday.this will be a mixprobably tomorrow wednesday,we are talking about rains, theFriday everything anticipates thatit could be snow, for himSunday, a mixture of the two,we were having sleet.this depends on the type oftemperatures that we have.tomorrow wednesday we are going toplace at 40 °.we are going to see temperatures thatpromote rain instead ofsnow.the radar image at this time,for tomorrow wednesdaywe started to see those firstrain elulassituatingespecially about the areacoastal.we will see song of this otherinfluence towards our area.the therometer starts toindicate that we sawtemperatures in the 46 °.the radar says we will haverainfall for hours ofthe morning.the lowest temperatures fortonight they descend again,if you go to work, go outlate or if you have to leavenight for some commitment,temperatures in regardsto the area, they will be barely inwe see temperatures in the 20 °,

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