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Aftermath of the Capitol riots, Trump is sued by Democrats again | Democrats-Finance News

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Original title: After the aftermath of the riots in the Capitol building, Trump was sued by the Democrats

Although he got rid of the impeachment case, former US President Trump continued to face legal disputes due to the Capitol riots in January.

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, who was the impeachment manager in the impeachment case, sued Trump, Trump’s personal lawyer Giuliani, Trump’s eldest son Trump Jr., and Republican Rep. Brooks ( Mo Brooks), asking everyone to be responsible for inciting riots in the Capitol.

This is Trump’s second lawsuit facing the riots in the Capitol.

According to a report from Capitol Hill News on March 5, Swalwell initiated a civil lawsuit in Washington Federal Court that day, accusing Trump and others that their words and deeds directly triggered the riots in the Capitol, resulting in five deaths.

Svalwell believes that Trump and others must be responsible for the casualties and property damage caused by the riots.

Before the vote count of the electors on January 6, Trump gave a speech to supporters near the Capitol for nearly an hour, claiming fraud in the election and calling on supporters to go to the Capitol to protest peacefully. He also used the expression “fight desperately” many times in his speech.

Everyone in Swalwell’s prosecution had spoken in his speech on January 6. The evidence he provided in the indictment was the evidence used in the impeachment case, including Trump’s speech and pre-incident recommendations. Text.

Swalwell accused Trump and others of violating the Ku Klux Klan Act, attempting to violently interfere with the work of Congress and allowing violent actions to develop. The Ku Klux Klan Act was established in 1871 to combat the Ku Klux Klan.

The bill allows civil actions against people who use “force, intimidation, or threats” to prevent others from performing their duties, and prohibits anyone from conspiring or using violence to prevent members of Congress from performing their duties.

Swalwell also accused Trump and others of violating a number of federal and Washington laws and demanded financial compensation from the defendant, the amount of which was not disclosed.

The indictment also requires Trump and others to publicly plead guilty, and to give notice seven days in advance before holding election-related activities in Washington.

In response to Svalwell’s prosecution, Trump’s spokesman Miller accused Svalwell of having no credibility and that the entire prosecution was just another political persecution.

Last month, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Representatives of the House of Representatives Democrat Bennie Thompson sued Trump, Giuliani and two far-right organizations for conspiring to incite riots in the Capitol.

A week ago, Trump gave his first public speech after retirement, suggesting that he might participate in the 2024 presidential election.

Although the second impeachment against Trump has ended, investigations surrounding the riots in the Capitol are still continuing.

On Thursday, Federico Klein, a former assistant to the U.S. State Department, was arrested on suspicion of assaulting police during the riots in the Capitol. He is also the first former Trump administration employee arrested for riots in the Capitol.

Klein faces six charges, including assaulting police with dangerous weapons and violently breaking into the Capitol. Photos and videos show that Klein repeatedly stormed the cordon and used police riot shields to clear the way for protesters who broke into the building.

On Friday, officials familiar with the matter also revealed that the FBI found that a member of the far-right organization “Pride Boys” had communicated with relevant White House personnel a few days before the riots. The content of the communication has not yet been determined.

So far, about 300 people have been prosecuted for the riots in the Capitol.

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Editor in charge: Li Tong

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