Mr. Khoa (29 years old, in Hanoi) is an active guy who takes care of his appearance and regularly practices sports. From the time he was single, until he got married at the age of 27, Anh Khoa only focused on work and playing sports and never hung out at bars or drank alcohol with friends.
Until he got married, Anh Khoa was still considered by those around him to be a model worth learning when he had a promotion job, always spent time taking care of his health and his family, and wholeheartedly loved his wife of the same age.
But what makes Khoa and his wife the most sad and worried is that after 2 years of marriage, their relationship is normal but there is no good news. Recently, with everyone’s encouragement, the couple went for a reproductive health check-up.
Dr. Phan Chi Thanh – Chief of Office of the Training Center (Central Obstetrics Hospital), who examined Khoa and his wife, said that the wife’s results were completely normal, during the semen test. shows that the husband has no sperm.
The young man is passionate about going to the gym and has strong muscles but has difficult problems to talk about. Illustration.
“Looking at my husband’s tall, muscular body, I was very surprised with the results. Asking more about his medical history and living habits, the male patient has never used tobacco or alcohol, nor has he ever had a disease such as mumps.“, Dr. Thanh shared.
Digging deeper, the doctor learned that, because of his passion for muscles, Khoa has been participating in the gym for more than 10 years and in the process used muscle-building supplements containing testosterone and this is the reason. leading to the depletion of breeds. According to the doctor, many young people now have this habit and this is not the first case of sperm depletion due to testosterone supplementation.
Doctor Thanh said, testosterone is the most important male sex hormone, synthesized mainly in the testicles (95%) and a small part in the adrenal gland (5%). Testosterone supplementation must be prescribed by a doctor.
Exogenous testosterone abuse causes many health problems for men, including reducing men’s ability to produce sperm. If this condition persists, it will impair testicular function, directly impact spermatogenesis and cause male infertility as in the case of the patient above.

Arbitrarily supplementing testosterone is very dangerous. It not only affects reproductive health but can cause many other problems. Illustration.
In addition to fertility problems, testosterone abuse also causes many other health problems. Doctor Nguyen Hoai Thu (Vietnam Institute of Applied Medicine) said that hormone supplements are considered a group of drugs to support rapid muscle gain but also contain unwanted effects, because muscle-increasing drugs can only helps increase muscle mass and muscle strength but does not help support the tendons, bones and ligaments. This leads to an imbalance in the development of the musculoskeletal system, easily causing injury as well as many dangerous side effects on the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, bones and joints…
Doctor Hoai Thu warns that prolonged abuse of muscle-building drugs can cause consequences such as height growth disorders, acne, genitourinary system disorders, liver damage, and increased cholesterol. blood, cardiovascular disease, drug addiction… It can also cause mood swings, depression, delusions, anxiety, aggressive or hostile attitudes.
Dr. Thu advises people that in order to gain muscle quickly and effectively but still safely, they need to do:
– Consume moderate calories: eat enough calories to fuel muscle building while encouraging the release of fat from storage.
– Increase protein consumption: on average, an adult needs 0.8-1g protein/kg of weight, people who exercise heavily or go to the gym can sometimes increase this ratio by one and a half times, up to twice as much.
– Avoid eating a lot of bad carbohydrates: it can cause insulin levels to spike and inhibit hormones that promote muscle gain.
– Do not let your fat intake exceed 30% of your total daily calories, prioritize good fats.
– Drink enough water: When the body is dehydrated, it will limit the release of testosterone due to increased production of the stress hormone cortisol.
– Exercise and increase resistance exercises: Normal movement and exercise will tear muscles, which secrete cytokines – this is a molecule that causes inflammation, and stimulates the immune system to repair. Repairing tears is how muscles get bigger and stronger.
– Get enough sleep: lack of sleep causes disruption of hormone secretion, which can cause muscle loss and atrophy. At night when you sleep is when testosterone is created – an important hormone in maintaining and building muscle mass.
* The patient’s name in the article has been changed