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“After work”, work in flux | Documentaries

For the past five years, Mediapart, in partnership with the author’s documentary platform Tënk, has offered you a full film every week to watch on our site for a month. Films little or not seen on television, the distribution of which is often confidential but which, through the eyes and the bias of their authors, are often intense moments of emotion. To mark this anniversary and on the occasion of the Estates General of Documentary Films which take place from August 22 to 28 in Lussas (of which Tënk is an offshoot), it is not one but three documentaries that are on offer today (see also here and there).


Two sentences echo in this film. In the open space of the former stationery, a person insists that“In 2035”, “half of European workers will be self-employed”. In the aluminum foundry looking for a future, a worker warns: “Interest is not personal. It is collective. “ You just have to cross the street to be in one or the other of these two worlds. A piece of territory that the director Julia Pinget has scrutinized patiently for months, a crossroads which is that of work in the XXIe century.

  • This film is available for one month on Mediapart.

extract from “After work” © Julia Pinget

After Work. France. 2020. 60 min // Author & director: Julia Pinget // Image: Julia Pinget // Sound: Pierre-Alexandre Cavé // Editing: Aurélie Jourdan // Original music: Jocelyn Robert // Production & distribution: La Société des Apaches, Tënk

Below, an interview with director Julia Pinget, directed by Eva Tourrent de Tënk during the Estates General of the 2020 documentary film:

Currently viewing on Tënk :

  • The village, by Claire Simon. A documentary series in ten episodes on life in Lussas (Ardèche) between culture and agriculture.
  • The apprenticeship, by Davide Maldi. In a prestigious hotel school in northern Italy, the school year of a young apprentice who must put himself at the service of future customers.
  • Election day, by Nereu Afonso da Silva. Brazil, October 2018. The presidential campaign splits the country in two. Back from the polls, Nereu Afonso da Silva and his partner are insulted by a stranger. They tell stories with force. 8 minutes to say fear.

Tënk is a subscription video site (6 euros per month, 60 euros per year) launched in the summer of 2016 and which offers seven new documentaries per week, organized by thematic areas: ecology, politics, the arts, major interviews, festivals, favorites, school films, world docs … More details with the interview of one of its initiators, Jean-Marie Barbe.

Already broadcast on Mediapart as part of this partnership:

  • Antoine Bonfanti – Sound traces of a committed listening, by Suzanne Durand (still visible on Mediapart)
  • Before the end of summer, by Maryam Goormaghtigh (still visible on Mediapart)
  • The Song of the Shirt, by Sue Clayton and Jonathan Curling (still visible on Mediapart)
  • Wilhelmina, by Aida Esther Bueno Sarduy (still visible on Mediapart)
  • Dreaming under capitalism, by Sophie Bruneau
  • Being Jérôme Bel. France, by Sima Khatami and Aldo Lee
  • The voice of his master, by Gérard Mordillat and Nicolas Philibert
  • Strike or Crève, de Jonathan Rescigno
  • Sans frapper (That Which Does Not Kill), d’Alexe Poukine
  • We’ll eat it, that’s the least we can do (Considering the Ends), d’Elsa Maury
  • Pyrale, by Roxanne Gaucherand
  • Judith Butler, philosophe en tout genre (Judith Butler, Philosophical Encounters of the Third Kind), by Paule Zajdermann
  • Men, by Ariane Michel
  • Call for general anxiety! (Come Worry With Us!), by Helene Klodawsky
  • Uncle Bernard: the anti-lesson in economics, from Richard Brouillette
  • Tracing Addai, Esther Niemeier
  • On the way to the sea, de Tao Gu
  • Bab Sebta – La Porte de Ceuta, by Randa Maroufi
  • The lock, by Leila Chaïbi & Hélène Poté
  • The trees that walk, de Mattia Colombo & Erri De Luca
  • Permanence, by Alice Diop
  • Tunisia Clash, the Hind Meddeb
  • Live in this garden, by Serge Steyer
  • Clebs, by Halima Ouardiri
  • Hans in luck (Hans la Chance)by Claudia Lehman
  • Laws and men, by Loïc Jourdain
  • Neighbors, the Norman McLaren
  • Barthes*, by Vincent Gérard, Cédric Laty, Bernard Marcadé & Camille Zéhenne
  • In Mansourah, you separated us, by Dorothée-Myriam Kellou
  • Bitter Wheatby Cyril Bérard & Samuel Picas
  • Khamsin, by Grégoire Orio & Grégoire Couvert
  • A girl from Ouessant, by Éléonore Saintagnan
  • Untɨ, the origins, by Christophe Yanouwana Pierre
  • Drink with the gods, by Margot Dupuis
  • The Chants of the Maladrerie, de Flavie Pinatel
  • A student of today, by Eric Rohmer
  • Bashar at the ZAD, by Pierre Boulanger
  • Imagine tomorrow we win, by François Langlais & Arthur Thouvenin
  • Harmony, by Blaise HarrisonThe Silence of Green, d’Andreas Horvath
  • Black water, by Stéphanie RégnierSimha, by Jérôme Blumberg
  • Maso and Miso go by boat, de Nadja Ringart, Carole Roussopoulos, Delphine Seyrig & Ioana Wieder
  • A dirty job, de Pascal Catheland
  • The Devil, by Jean-Gabriel Périot Terres Barcelò, by Christian Tran
  • A campaign of their own, Suisse, de Lionel Rupp & Michael David Mitchell
  • In politics, de Penda Houzangbe & Jean-Gabriel Tregoat
  • A Syrian Love Storyby Sean McAllister
  • Love he said, Inès Sedan
  • In search of state, de Leonardo di Costanzo
  • In balance, d’Antarès Bassis & Pascal Auffray (still visible on Mediapart)
  • When Léon M.’s boat went down the Meuse for the first time, by Luc & Jean-Pierre Dardenne (still visible on Mediapart)
  • Hardened lead, de Stefano Savona
  • The village, the first two episodes of Claire Simon’s series
  • Praise of the tree, d’Éric Watt
  • Earth people, d’Ariane Doublet
  • The penny war, de Nader S. Ayache
  • Ady Gasy, de Nantenaina Lova
  • The Sociologist and the Bear, Étienne Chaillou & Mathias Théry
  • The Visit – The Museum of Modern Art, by Laetitia Carton
  • It’s almost at the end of the world, by Mathieu Amalric
  • Over there, the Kerguelen, the Marjorie Cauwel-Lambert
  • Guañape Surby Jànos Richter Estate, de Ronny Trocker
  • In my head a roundaboutby Hassen Ferhani
  • Nicaragua, Part 1, by Marc Karlin
  • Lisboa orchestra, by Guillaume Delaperriere
  • Planet ∑, de Momoko Seto (still visible on Mediapart)
  • The trial, by Maria Augusta Ramos
  • Counter-powers, de Malek Bensmaïl
  • Echo Hotel, d’Éléonor Gilbert
  • Cuba Felix, by Karim Dridi
  • Roundabout, by Pierre Goetschel
  • Archie Shepp: I’m jazz, it’s my life …, by Frank Cassenti
  • Is memory water soluble, by Charles Najmann
  • Boxing Libreville, by Amédée Pacôme Nkoulou
  • On the edge of the void, by Jean-Claude Cottet-Dumoulin
  • The architect of Saint-Gaudens, by Serge Bozon & Julie Desprairies
  • Our Terrible Country, de Ziad Homsi & Mohammad Ali Atassi
  • Territory of freedom, d’Alexander Kusnetsov
  • The undergrowth of the fools (an interview with Jean Oury), by Martine Deyre
  • The Murder of Fred Hampton, de Howard Alk & Mike Gray
  • Georges de La Tour, by Alain Cavalier
  • O my body, by Laurent Aït Benalla
  • Jasmine, by Alain Ughetto
  • Nikolay’s Dream, de Maria Karaguiozova
  • What’s left, by Ludivine Henry
  • Eleven golden footballers, by Jean-Christophe Rosé
  • Make way for revolution, by Parfait Kaboré
  • The Field of Visions, the Boris Van der Avoort
  • Calabria, by Pierre-François Sauter
  • Miss Rain, de Charlie Petersmann
  • Capturing, by Geoffrey Lachassagne
  • You live on love, de Silvano Agosti
  • Eugène Gabana, the oil tanker, by Jeanne Delafosse & Camille Plagnet
  • Don Pauvros de la Manche, de Guy Girard
  • The tree without fruit, Aïcha Macky
  • An open window, de Khady Sylla
  • The Desert Nursery, by Laurent Chevallier
  • Palace of the Eagles, de Stefano Savona, Alessia Porto & Ester Shooter
  • Chile, stubborn memoryby Patricio Guzmán
  • Belfast Bookseller, d’Alessandra Celesia
  • The Mokélé-Mbembé Hypothesis, by Marie Voignier
  • Samir in the dust, de Mohamed Ouzine
  • Anaïs goes to war, by Marion Gervais
  • Life after the death of Henrietta Lacks, by Mathias Théry
  • Mafrouza, 1re part, by Emmanuelle Demoris
  • COD and the poppy, by Jeanne Paturle & Cécile Rousset
  • Movement (R)evolution Africa, by Joan Frosch & Alla Kovgan
  • Mare Magnum, d’Ester Shooter & Letizia Gullo
  • Towards tenderness, by Alice DiopUse, by Gaspard Kuentz
  • Territory, d’Eleanor Mortimer
  • God’s offices, by Claire Simon
  • Travel around my room, d’Olivier Smolders
  • The Seagrass Gatherers, by Maria Murashova
  • Zuozby Daniella Marxer
  • For Ulysses, de Giovanni Cioni
  • The Rest of the Brave, by Guillaume Brac
  • Jean Painlevé, fantasy for marine biology, by François Lévy-Kuentz
  • The Visit-Versailles, de Pippo Delbono
  • Anger is in the wind, d’Amina Weira
  • Resume summer, by Magali Bragard & Séverine Enjolras
  • The cry of the turtledove, by Sani Elhadj Magori
  • The Mediators, by Sani Elhadj Magori
  • No matter the cost, by Claire Simon
  • The strange story of an urban experience, by Julien Donada
  • Out of the Present, by Andrei Ujica
  • She worsens her chariot, by Loïc Darses
  • A summer love, by Jean-François Lesage
  • Live rich, by Joël Akafou
  • The Owl and the Whaleby Patricia Plattner
  • I’m Gone : a Film about Amy, by Geneviève Philippon & Julie Bourbonnais
  • Cold kisses, by Nicolás Rincón Gille
  • The jumping tower, d’Axel Danielson & Maximilien Van Aertryck
  • You live on love, de Silvano Agosti
  • Capturing, by Geoffrey Lachassagne
  • Miss Rain, de Charlie Petersmann
  • Calabria, by Pierre-François Sauter
  • The Field of Visions, the Boris Van der Avoort
  • Make way for revolution, by Parfait Kaboré
  • He is one of us, by Jean-Christophe Meurisse

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