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After withholding repayments: probation for lawyer in Chemnitz

At the Chemnitz District Court, a lawyer got away with a black eye. There was a suspended sentence for withheld repayments.

Chemnitz – On Chemnitz Lawyer got away with a black eye again. For years he had withheld from his clients repayments of 35,000 euros. The Chemnitz District Court sentenced him to suspended sentence for infidelity.

Attorney Hans G. (65) believes in his innocence and has appealed against the judgment. © Maik Börner

Was the chaos in the law firm too big or did Hans G. (65) deliberately forget to pay off his clients?

According to the indictment, twelve clients had to wait for their money since 2014 – up to four years! Hans G. took care of insurance matters.

He negotiated settlements with insurers, including for canceled life insurance policies. These resulted in repayments that flowed into the lawyer’s business account. Actually, the money should have been transferred directly to the client.

In fact, it stayed in G’s account. “At some point I lost track,” the lawyer apologized. His secretary also spoke of chaotic conditions. A year after the charges were brought, he paid everything back.

The judge was not convinced of this explanation. Hans G. was sentenced to a prison sentence of 15 months on probation in ten cases for infidelity.

“The judgment is not final,” said a court spokeswoman. The defendant has since appealed.

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