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After using the iPhone 15 for about 10 months, what I felt was good and what was not so good

It’s been about 10 months since I upgraded to an iPhone 15 last year.

It has evolved so much that there is no end to it, but this time I will give a long-term review of what I feel were “very good points”, “good points that were not I consider important”, and “points that were not so important” I would like to discuss with you.

◎ Very good points
・ It is okay to randomly take pictures.
– Significantly reduced crashes in dark scenes
・Large capacity, no need for mobile battery

◯ I didn’t think it was important, but it was a good point
・Unification of cables and battery sharing between devices

△ That was not true
・ The file size is very large

☆ Bonus (I’m happy because my hobby is mountain climbing)
・SOS function using satellite

It’s okay to take pictures properly

What makes me especially excited about the iPhone 15 upgrade is thatCamera performance is greatly improvedwhat i did

There are still many things that cannot be compared to special cameras such as single lens reflex cameras, but I feel that it is more suitable for taking landscape pictures, etc.

Especially for outdoor activities, the new one installed48 million pixel high resolution modehe is very active.

Even when magnified approximately twice, the image quality is still the same as the one taken with the iPhone 14 (12 million pixels), so even if you are unhappy with composition a picture taken from a place where you can’t move freely, you can use it later It is now easier to cut unnecessary parts and edit well.

Significantly reduced crashes in dark scenes

240731_iPhone15_16Photo in night mode

The compact digital cameras and single lens reflex cameras I use tend to shake the camera when shooting in dark locations, so a tripod to secure the camera is a must.

On the other hand, the iPhone 15 has a very bright lens and powerful image stabilization, so you can take handheld photos without shaking even in dark scenes. In addition, if you use the night mode feature introduced in iPhone 11, you can even take handheld photos of night scenes without blur.

You can take beautiful pictures with less noise without having to carry around a heavy and bulky tripod.Perfect for mountain climbing or traveling where you want to reduce your luggage as much as possible.Yes.

Large capacity, no need for mobile battery


As a result of significantly better battery life,The portable battery that was necessary when it went out is no longer needed.That’s a big point too.

I used to worry about the battery level in the evening, but since I switched to the iPhone 15, I can still carry about 50% of it even after carrying it around all day.

I take a portable battery with me when I go to an environment where I can’t charge it from a power source, such as mountain climbing or camping, and the 10,000mAh was enough for 2 nights and 3 days.

Also, although it has been about 10 months since purchase, the “maximum battery capacity” that can be checked from “Options” is still at 100%, the same as at the time of purchase. I don’t feel the battery draining any faster either.

Unify cables and share batteries between devices


I’ve always been an iPhone user, so I have a lot of Lightning cables. For that reason, I didn’t think much of the iPhone 15 switch to USB-C, but once I started using it, it was easier to be able to use the charging cable. share with my MacBook, mobile Wi-Fi, etc. I thought.

By the way,You can also share the battery from your iPhone 15 to AirPods Pro 2, Apple Watch, etc.So, you don’t need a mobile battery anymore. As long as you have cable, you can usually live with a sudden battery drain.

Large file size


The higher pixel resolution of cameras, as mentioned before, was not always a good thing.

While photos taken with 48 million pixels have the advantage of maintaining high image quality even when cropped,The file size will be very largeThere is also a downside. This takes up space on your iPhone’s storage space, and it also takes time to transfer data to the cloud or external storage.

Also, there are no problems with editing images on iPhone 15, but editing and exporting on a PC with lower specifications is very slow.

However, it is also possible to shoot at 24 megapixels with one touch, so I only shoot at 48 megapixels when it matters.

SOS operation using satellite

240731_iPhone15_21When I tried it using the “demo function”, I was able to communicate with the satellite smoothly.

While writing this article, I came across the news that the “satellite-based SOS function” is now available in Japan as well.

Even in places where mobile phone signals cannot reach, it is now possible to send SOS messages and location information using satellites while the skies are open.It seems to have grown.

It’s a feature I don’t want to use if possible, but for someone like me who enjoys mountain climbing and the great outdoors, it’s a very nice upgrade.

The service is available for all iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 models running the latest iOS 17.6. It is likely to be included in the iPhone 16 series that will be released this fall. If you enjoy outdoor activities such as mountain climbing, this alone may be reason to upgrade to the latest iPhone.

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