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After update – notification tone on WhatsApp


The search already showed me two threads on the topic, but the solutions did not work for me. Therefore I would like to ask for help again here.

I installed the new update earlier. Since then, a notification tone has always sounded for incoming WhatsApp messages even though I switched it off. In the WhatsApp settings, I set “mute” – up until now I received a vibration notification with the sidelight and a small popup. This is no longer possible now. Now the notification tone sounds, no vibration and no more sidelights.

If I proceed as described in the other threads and turn off the notifications for WhatsApp in the InApp settings, I don’t get any notifications at all about incoming messages. So right now either this annoying notification tone sounds or I have to click on the app to even see that someone has written to me.

What can I do?

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