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After undergoing 17 operations, Hélène Ségara unveils new projects

Held with a rare disease, Hélène Ségara suffered from operations but has now recovered. It is now brimming with ideas and projects.

In full promotion of her new album called “Karma” available in a few days, Hélène Ségara gave herself up transparently about her upcoming projects but also about her illness which made her go through dark days. In an interview with the magazine “Nous deux” published this Tuesday, June 23, 2020, the singer of 49 years revealed that it took two long years to write her album, in order to seek deep words for this opus which will be “totally different from the previous ones ”. “… I have been going through things with my illness for six years. This album is self-produced so that I have total freedom on what I want to convey, “she said.

But the faithful juror of the program “France has an incredible talent” wishes to broaden her skills by embarking on the writing of a book on “the strength of the mind”, supported by her companion Mathieu Lecat. “At the start, it was a log book to tell of all the false and all very serious diagnoses that were made when it was discovered that I was sick,” she explained. This little diary turned out to be a real therapy for the musician who ultimately transformed the primary purpose of this book. “It became a notebook of positive thoughts, the beginning of another way of approaching what was happening to me,” she said.

Regarding his confinement, the interpreter of “There are too many people who love you” revealed to the magazine that he used this time to do “a heavy eye surgery”. A few days later, she absolutely had to shoot a special episode of the show of which she is a juror, which forced her to hide her … he with a lock of hair. A hairstyle which many laughed at, which had prompted the singer to explain this hair choice. “There has been a lot of mockery on social media and it’s terrible because I had to justify myself. I never said I was healed, never said I was a victim, but I had seventeen operations. These are attacks on the physique of someone who is sick and it cannot be done, ”she regretted. “I will not give up and I will always keep smiling,” she said proudly.

Shortly after the publication of the magazine in which she made the front page, Hélène Ségara deplored on Twitter an inaccurate transcription of the remarks made during the interview as well as unprofitable coverage. She justified her anger by using a photo that did not enhance her because of the drugs she was taking and accuses the magazine of degrading her image. “This very simplistic choice does not honor” We two “and shows that, ultimately, the magazine does not pay much attention to either the woman or her feelings,” she concluded.

Read also : Hélène Ségara: “Since my illness I have discovered an incredible strength”

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