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After the United States, Mexico is also facing an exceptional cold spell

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The cold wave in the United States is spreading to Mexico, where uncharacteristic temperatures down to -15°C are expected. The mountainous regions of the north of the country are the hardest hit, as is central Mexico, where exceptional snowfalls have been observed.

With our correspondent in Mexico, Emmanuelle Acciai

Absolutely a cold snap” atypical This is how Mexico qualifies the abnormally low temperatures that petrify the north and center of the country, up to the capital.

The freezing cold that has hit in recent days about the United States it overtakes its neighbor to the south, which is much less prepared for these extreme conditions. Snow has fallen in the mountainous areas east of Mexico City, an extremely rare event.

But if temperatures hover around freezing at night, the sun warms the atmosphere during the day. The north of the country is even worse: -15°C to -10°C, freezing gusts and a storm announced this Wednesday 28 December.

Immigrants very affected

Most Mexican homes lack heat, but authorities are also concerned migrants camped near the border with the United States. Despite the cold, these groups from Central America and Venezuela are determined to stay and try to keep warm around improvised fires.

For several weeks they have been waiting to submit an asylum application on the other side of the barriers, an increasingly uncertain prospect.

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