After the transition to Category 5, not wearing a mask has become a common sight in the prefecture at JR Mito Station
The novel coronavirus pandemic that began in 2020 has reached a major milestone this year. In May, the virus became a Type 5 infectious disease, the same as seasonal influenza, and life is returning to normal with more people in Ibaraki Prefecture taking off their masks. There was an outbreak in the summer that appeared to be the 9th wave, but it was only about half of the 8th wave last winter, and there were no restrictions on movement. However, the number of patients is on the rise towards the end of the year, and we need to be wary of a simultaneous outbreak with influenza, which has never happened before. (Isamu Takeshima)
After the transition to Category 5, the method of understanding the infection status changed from announcing the overall number of patients to weekly reports per sentinel medical institution. The 8th wave, which peaked in December last year, subsided rapidly at the beginning of the year. After the transition to Category 5, the number increased gradually through the summer, and peaked from late August to early September.
However, when comparing the number of reported cases per sentinel, the highest number in December of last year during the eighth wave was 46.8, while this summer it was 27.74.
Especially during the hot summer, many people in the prefecture were not wearing masks. Governor Kazuhiko Oigawa looked back on the past year at a regular press conference on the 22nd of this month and said that regarding the new coronavirus, “social life has returned to normal.”
Vaccination is currently available to all those who wish to do so until March 31st next year, using a vaccine compatible with the Omicron strain. This is the end of special temporary vaccinations that do not require any out-of-pocket costs.
In response to this, local governments within the prefecture are moving to change their stance on vaccinations. Mito City will close its vaccination call center and reservation site on the 28th of this month. From then on, those wishing to receive the vaccine will have to make reservations and inquiries directly to medical institutions. All other inquiries will be accepted at the City’s COVID-19 Vaccine Business Office.
Kunihiko Suzuki, chairman of the prefectural medical association, spoke at a press conference on the 15th regarding the situation of this year’s novel coronavirus, saying, “Although there have been repeated outbreaks in the prefecture, the situation has not reached a strain on (medical care).After moving to Category 5. The wave was suppressed to half of the 8th wave.” The reason for this is that “the pathogenicity of the new coronavirus has become weaker than it was at the beginning, and medical institutions have also made progress.”
On the other hand, there are also new challenges. A doctor at an orthopedic clinic in the prefecture said, “After moving to Category 5, we ask patients with fever to contact us before coming to the hospital, but some patients sometimes come without contacting us.If other patients or staff become infected, “There is a possibility that surgeries that should be performed may be stopped.It is highly contagious, so I am nervous.”
Influenza is prevalent in the prefecture this season, and the prefecture issued an alert on the 14th as the number of reported cases per sentinel site exceeded the standard. The number of reports of the new coronavirus has also been on the rise, and Chairman Suzuki expressed his sense of caution, saying, “We have never experienced a simultaneous outbreak of the new coronavirus and influenza.We are most concerned about this.”
The Prefectural Infectious Disease Control Division is also concerned about the possibility of a simultaneous outbreak, and is calling on prefectural residents to “cooperate in preventing infections, such as by washing your hands and practicing good cough etiquette.”
2023-12-26 22:25:37
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