Home » News » After the Santa Rosa storm, what will the weather be like in the City of Buenos Aires and the Greater Buenos Aires area?

After the Santa Rosa storm, what will the weather be like in the City of Buenos Aires and the Greater Buenos Aires area?

The Santa Rosa storm was felt in the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires, especially in downtown Buenos Aires

Between Friday and Saturday, the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires (AMBA) experienced the Santa Rosa storm, a weather event characterized by heavy rains and strong winds that It was also strongly felt in the south of Santa Fe and Entre Ríos. However, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) anticipated that Today the conditions will begin to improvegiving way to a week with more pleasant temperatures and stable weather.

According to the weather report, temperatures are expected to drop this Sunday, with minimum temperatures between 6 and 8 degrees, and maximum temperatures that could reach 14 degrees in some areas. During the early morning hours, there were some drizzles and southerly winds with speeds between 13 and 22 km/h.

The day will be marked by unstable weather, with some drizzle and a humidity of 93 percent. At night, the temperature will be around 13 degrees and rain is no longer expected.

From the Mondaythe weather will stabilize with temperatures highs close to 20 degrees and no significant rainfall is forecast. The tuesdays, The sky will be partly cloudy, with a minimum of 12 degrees and a maximum of 17 degrees. Wednesday It will be a sunny afternoon, with a maximum of 20 degrees; while the rest of the days – until Saturday – will be pleasant with peaks that will also reach 20 degrees.

This Sunday’s weather will be unstable, with some drizzle in the afternoon as well.

The Santa Rosa storm is a recurring climatic phenomenon in the central and eastern region of Argentina, as well as in Uruguay, and usually occurs between late August and early September. This storm is produced by the interaction of a cold front, typical of the winter season, with a warm front that heralds spring. According to the National Meteorological Service, The probability of a severe storm developing around August 30 is high.although it is not always associated with heavy rainfall.

Popular belief links the storm with the feast of Santa Rosa de Limacelebrated on August 30. According to legendIsabel Flores de Oliva, Known as Santa Rosa, she is said to have unleashed a storm with her prayers to prevent the landing of Dutch pirates in Lima in 1615. Since then, any storm close to that date is associated with the saint.

A 2022 SMN study analyzed precipitation data from 1906 to 2021, concluding that in 65 of the 116 years analyzed, approximately 56%, storms occurred on the date associated with Santa Rosa, although not always with heavy rains. This phenomenon is explained by the changes in atmospheric circulation that occur towards the end of winter, when warm and humid air begins to enter from the north, creating conditions conducive to intense storms.

SMN specialists emphasized that although it is popularly believed that the Santa Rosa storm is more intense than others, there is no evidence that this is always true. (Illustrative Image Infobae)

“In regions such as Patagonia, storms are not common, so the frequency of Santa Rosa is very low, as in the Northwest of Argentina (NOA), where the season is marked by the dry season and clear, sunny days predominate,” said SMN.

Instead, In central and northeastern Argentina, it is common for storms to occur during this time of year.. This is because “since mid-August, The atmosphere begins to experience changes in its circulation due to the proximity of spring, which encourages the presence of warm air, higher humidity and favorable conditions for the formation of storms,” ​​they clarified.

However, experts stressed that although it is popularly believed that the Santa Rosa storm is more intense than others, there is no evidence that this is always true.

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