Home » today » News » After the night-time emergency stop in Draguignan, what threat does the Gulf of Saint-Tropez hospital face?

After the night-time emergency stop in Draguignan, what threat does the Gulf of Saint-Tropez hospital face?

Every evening, since October 29, the emergency rooms of the Dracénie Hospital Center (CHD) close their doors between 8:30 p.m. and 8:30 a.m.

In question: the chronic understaffing of the structure which no longer allowed the reception of patients. Provisional and planned to last “at least” five weeks, according to the first announcements, this closure has already been going on for more than seven weeks.

45km away, the Gulf of Saint-Tropez health center automatically accommodates some of the reoriented patients from Dracénie. This, while he is already in tension, for lack of personnel, in particular doctors.

“No closing on the agenda” …

A threat taken seriously enough for the mayor of Gassin, Anne-Marie Waniart, to ask the director of the hospital during the last supervisory board.

“I received echoes and I was also questioned about it. During the last board of directors, director Frédéric Limouzy insisted on the fact that the situation remains, for the time being, under control and that no closure is on the agenda. I think it would be premature to worry the public about this. “

But the risk is hovering

That being said, the situation remains precarious. And “if the emergency stop is not for today, that does not mean that it will not take place tomorrow or the day after tomorrow”, comments an executive of the establishment. “Yes, there is a risk of closure. It weighs not only on emergencies but on all services”, For his part, confirms the director, Frédéric Limouzy. “ However, it is not the prerogative of the Gassin hospital but the lot of all hospitals in France, he tempers.

Solutions, too

For her part, Valérie Buonomo, assistant secretary of the Unsa-Santé union points the finger “the increasingly significant recruitment difficulties, in particular to cope with the influx of the summer population”, while stressing that “In this case, employees and management are united to maintain an emergency service. Day and night.”

In the meantime, to reduce – a little – the pressure on the workforce, the Groupement hospitalier de territoire (GHT) “will allow the pooling of staff from all the hospitals in the Var, to make up for the staff shortage. But the effectiveness is uncertain and is subject to the agreement of the caregivers concerned”, continues this night nurse who also hopes that “Discussions with medical homes and town doctors will lead to the reception of patients who do not require emergency care” by these practitioners.

Avenues to be explored before the house of cards collapses, with the obvious consequences and risks that this would imply for patients and for a highly attractive territory.

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