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After the mobilization of January 13 in National Education, three new union actions in sight in Yonne

What follow-up to the national strike day of January 13 in the schools of the department, driven in the Yonne by the inter-union? The unions had to ask themselves the question, but do not all post the same answers. On the calendar for this month of January, there is also talk of a rally concerning the 2022 school map.

Thursday January 20

On Monday January 17, several unions such as FSU, CGT Educ’action, FO, Sud éducation and high school student movements called for “continuing mobilization”, committing “to a new day of action on January 20, including by the strike”.

The FCPE, federation of parents of students, will also participate. However, the members of his departmental council, contacted on Tuesday, January 18, had “not yet made a decision” in relation to the announcement made at the national level. “To strike again every week is complicated, indicates its president icaunais Olivier Guillaumet. We are fed up, yes, but it should perhaps be done differently. The requests, we have been making them for two years.” In particular on the installation of CO2 sensors in elementary schools, a purchase that is the responsibility of the municipalities, some of which have already placed an order, like Joigny.

“The anger has not gone down”

This call to strike Thursday, “free to everyone” to respond. But “the inter-union has not planned a demonstration”, warns this Tuesday, January 18, Philippe Wante, of the SNUipp-FSU. Due to an organizational deadline deemed “too short, especially for school teachers”. The representative of the SNUipp-FSU in Yonne adds: “We would not want to send a negative message either if the participation were to fall below a day of action like January 13”. However, “the anger has not subsided, breathes Philippe Wante. And the “Ibiza” affair, which has added fuel to the fire, is symbolic of total contempt”.

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Wednesday January 26

Around this time around the 2022 school map, the Yonne Education Interunion is planning a rally on Wednesday January 26, from 2:30 p.m., in front of the premises of the Departmental Education Services Department. (DSDEN) of Yonne, avenue Pasteur in Auxerre. Where Thursday January 13, they were more than 200 demonstrators, for some on strike for the first time.

In the first degree (the unions mention “five fewer posts”) and the second, the concerns relate to “possible job cuts” in the department, “class closures, a lack of Rased (specialist teachers) and a drop in the overall hourly allocation”, explains Marie Lamoureux, from Unsa.

The signatories (CGT Educ’action, FO, FSU, Solidaires, SE-Unsa, SGEN CFDT) show their will, for that day, and demand that “delegations from schools be received by Dasen, Vincent Auber”.

Back to school 2021: 18 class closures and 11 openings planned for the 1st degree in Yonne

Thursday January 27

An interprofessional meeting is also looming on Thursday January 27, 2022. The outlines of local action will be specified on Thursday January 20, by the CGT, FO, FSU and Solidaires trade unions. It is “a call for strikes and demonstrations by all workers in the private and public sector, and by young people”.

Unsa is not in favor of slow strikes

The SE-Unsa union already says that it should not join this January 27 movement. “We cannot sign a double page of demands. They must be precise, clear and targeted. The January 13 strike was very successful because they were. Our position is to say that we are not not for slow strikes, especially at this time and under these conditions, which would create additional absences, justifies the departmental secretary, Marie Lamoureux.We are not opposed to the reform of the baccalaureate, and not totally against the inclusive poles of localized support) and the Rilhac law on the development of school management.”

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Vincent Thomas
[email protected]

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