Home » today » World » After the killing of the Iranian Mahsa Amini .. Karroubi strongly criticizes Khamenei .. and the intellectuals demand the dissolution of the Orientation Police

After the killing of the Iranian Mahsa Amini .. Karroubi strongly criticizes Khamenei .. and the intellectuals demand the dissolution of the Orientation Police

Commenting on the killing of Mahsa Amini, Mehdi Karroubi, one of the leaders of the Green Movement, released a statement harshly criticizing Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei. In his statement about him, he stated that the guide had opposed over the years not to face women and girls on the street.

In his statement, the former president of the Iranian parliament stressed that “this country is not the exclusive property of one person, and everything, including Sharia law, law and morals, should not be sacrificed for a person’s hegemony” .

The statement stated that although most of the executive and judicial authorities agreed with us on the negative effects of coercive policies, “no practical action has been taken in this area, due to Khamenei’s views.”

Karroubi wrote: “In recent decades, compassionate people for this country have repeatedly talked about the negative effects of confronting women and girls on the streets and the regime’s failed policies in this area and called for a correction of past wrongdoing, but the Khamenei’s decision a frank opposition not only prevented the possibility of fundamental change and reform in this field, but also provided a platform for extremism of the currents associated with the regime, weakening legal institutions and removing skilled forces.

Previously Mehdi Karroubi had also announced his opposition to the mandatory veil and said that making the veil mandatory after the revolution was a wrong political act.

Meanwhile, some religious scholars have also published a statement blaming top officials in the country, including Ali Khamenei, for Mahsa Amini’s death.

The statement, signed by various personalities such as Hassan Yousefi Ashkouri, Ali Reza Rajaei, Reza Ali Jani, Sediqah and Sammaki, said: “For decades, the shoes of the Guide Patrols have been a burden on this oppressed and noble people. The imposition of the mandatory veil is a symbol of the regime’s brutal totalitarianism, which rules in the name of religion, with total tyranny.

This statement adds that imposing good and forbidding evil has become a tool for harassing citizens through the repressive machine.

Finally, the signatories of the declaration called for the dissolution of the Driving Patrols, stating that the comfort, safety and development of Iran also required the dismantling of the authoritarian theocracy.

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