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after the heatwave, severe thunderstorms expected in France

Violent disturbances are expected in the coming days on the territory, the Atlantic coast in pole, announces our partner The Weather Channel.

By The Figaro

Photo d'illustration.
Photo d’illustration. NICOLAS TUCAT / AFP

A real handover. After several days of heatwave, which still persists this Tuesday afternoon in the north of the country, including Île-de-France, strong thunderstorms are now expected in France. If fifteen departments remain on heatwave red alert, according to The Weather Channel *, eight have a “significant riskStorm. These are Cantal, Charente-Maritime, Gironde, Landes, Haute-Loire, Vendée, Pyrénées-Atlantiques and Puy-de-Dôme.

“Locally violent thunderstorms erupted this Tuesday afternoon in the departments of Massif-Central, limiting the effects of the heatwave by cooling the air”, details our partner. The thunder also struck in Longjumeau (Essonne), where the town hall and downtown streets were closed.

Other storms, “more organized“, Will concern the Atlantic coast in the evening of Tuesday and in the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, forecasts The Weather Channel. Wednesday will be the last day of the heatwave, with temperatures between 35 and 38 ° C over the northeast two-thirds of France in the afternoon. “At the end of the day, a very important stormy degradation begins in the Atlantic regions. A storm weather warning will therefore follow the one in effect for the heatwave.», We specify. Between Wednesday evening and Thursday, an active disturbance will bring the last warning shot to the high heat over the entire territory, where high temperatures will persist on the eastern flank.

The situation Tuesday at 6 p.m. The Weather Channel

* The Weather Channel is a company of the Figaro group.

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