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After the foundation, the literary house finally started

Last Sunday, the Literaturhaus Würzburg held a 90-minute kick-off event for the association, which was founded last year, in the Z87 cellar as part of the Main-Lit. After a Corona break that was compulsory right after the association was founded in 2020, the association was finally able to celebrate its start with readings, music and a great audience, according to a press release from the Literaturhaus.

After brief words at the beginning of the event by Gunther Schunk (Keller Z78), Jochen Bähr (Main-Lit), Elena Riedel (Literaturhaus Würzburg) and a greeting from Achim Könneke (City of Würzburg / Kulturreferat), the evening with the committed musician Sara Teamusician was possible start. It formed the musical framework for the readings by the authors Anna-Lena Eißler, Yannik Ambrusits ​​and Krystyna Kuhn, who, after brief discussions with the moderator Rainer Appel, presented their works from the genres of slam poetry and prose, among other things.

In addition, the exhibition of the anthology published last year? Mainzeit 2020? hung in the next room of the cellar to get the visitors in the mood for the evening as soon as they enter.

“Child in View”

The Literaturhaus is already planning its next event? Kind im Blick ?? at the end of June. Reading and moderated panel discussion ?? on June 30th at 7.30 p.m. in the cellar Z87 (Bürgerbräu-Kreativ-Areal – Building 09, Frankfurter Straße 87, 97082 Würzburg). Children in the focus of literary works for adults are rare. A child attracts attention and at the same time reveals the other’s gaze. Leonhard Frank (“Mathilde” 1945), Jakob Wassermann (“The uproar about the Junker Ernst 1926) and Max Mohr (Frau ohne Reue 1933) characterize the adults with their children’s figures: the adult figures in the text, the authors and us, Readers. Text passages will be read and discussed during the event. Thomas Kastura (graduate Germanist and author), Elisabeth Kirchner (graduate psychologist), Dr. Bettina Schmitz (philosopher) will be on the podium. The event will be hosted by the city Würzburg funded. Advance sales will start soon – information will follow.

The Literaturhaus will also take part in “Kultur aus’m Hut” on August 12th at 7 pm with a reading from the anthology and with music by Bernd Kremling.

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