Home » today » News » After the first arrest of Georgi Semerdzhiev, they set fire to the car of a top cop – Criminal

After the first arrest of Georgi Semerdzhiev, they set fire to the car of a top cop – Criminal

A top police officer’s car caught fire from a bomb thrown after Georgi Semerdzhiev was arrested for the first time in 2010, and while he was in the GDBOP building, a protest was held in front of it, reports “24 Chasa”.

Then he was detained by the “Computer Crimes” sector because of a match-fixing scheme on which players bet.

The policewoman was giving information to Semerdzhiev about the location of the patrols

At that time, Semerdzhiev was a football player of “Sportist” (Svoge). He drives only expensive cars, demonstrates a luxurious lifestyle. However, he falls into the SRS, which accuses him of betting on matches that already had an agreed result. Gambling took place on the Internet, so the case was taken over by the computer crime unit. It took the action to detain Semerdzhiev and more than 20 other people on September 11.

When he saw that the policemen were coming, Semerdzhiev tried to escape. He jumped from the window of his home, but was caught, as there was a patrol outside as well. He was taken to the anti-mafia building in Sofia for questioning. Only hours after the operation, a large football campaign gathered in front of her.

She waved flags, sang songs, and carried pyrotechnics. They threw several bombs at the cars of the anti-mafias. One of them set fire to the car of Commissioner Yavor Kolev, then head of the department that arrested Semerdzhiev. The policeman on duty first tried to put it out with his foot, but his torch caught fire. He extinguished it quickly, and managed to put out the fire on Kolev’s car. The top policeman had to repaint the burnt part.

Georgi Semerdzhiev was in Taki’s entourage

The investigation itself found that a group of football presidents fixed matches in the lower divisions. They only told some of their competitors. Among them, according to the evidence, was Semerdzhiev. They agreed not only how to end the match, but what the outcome of the first half would be and when exactly the game would turn around. Often this was after the 85th minute, as this is when the bookies give the highest odds of winning.

Semerdzhiev was charged for the case, more than 15 matches were investigated. In the end, however, he was not brought to court for the black lottery and got away with only a criminal record.

The student Hristina is among the girls who died in the melee with Semerdzhiev

In 2013, however, he was involved in a beating. He is a defendant in this case. The trial got stuck because of a change in the court composition. The first meeting was on Wednesday, the day after the accident. He did not appear and the court ordered that he be detained.

Unserved criminal decrees are the reason why Georgi Semerdzhiev had no cases for driving without a license. The man had been caught like this 3 times before Tuesday’s crash that killed 2 girls. The former football player is charged for her.

The cases were reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the prosecutor’s office. In all three, however, the state prosecution responded that since Semerdzhiev was not served with a criminal decree, they could not initiate pre-trial proceedings. They refer to case law. And they explain that he should have known that he was driving without a license. However, they report that this cannot be established from the materials. Therefore, with apostased refusals to initiate pre-trial proceedings.

Teodora Pavlova


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