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After the divorce came the exchange of wives – eXtra.cz

At first glance, Andrea and Kadri from Svatba no longer form a couple. Behind their breakup are different ideas about life, but also the lies that Kadri was supposed to spread. There were so many problems, especially on the part of the groom, that Andrea simply could not come to terms with them. However, now it seems that in the experiment Kadri found another strong bond, in the bride Mirka, who forms a couple with Peter. Will there be an “exchange of wives” in the end?

In the experimental show Wedding at a Glance another breakup was revealed during the Christmas special, namely Andrey and Kadriho. Jtheir relationship has once shaken to its foundations because of the different ideas where they will live together. Kadri would like Andrea to move with him to Switzerland, where he has a job. But that Andrea immediately refused because of ties, not only to the family she has in the Czech Republic.

Rough gauge

Yet you this couple has given a chance by trying to manage the relationship remotely. After a couple However, months after the end of the experiment, it turns out that it solves many more fundamental problems. Andrea obviously has Kadri’s teeth full and stops taking napkins in front of experts and cameras.

“You knew someone had enrolled you in the experiment, even though you said they didn’t know, you agreed with your friends. You said you would be there for two years, then it was a year, half a year, then three years again. You said you had a hockey contract there, all of a sudden, you didn’t play that hockey, you blamed it for work, “Andrea fired at Kadri directly in front of the relationship experts. “I see what a mess you have in the information,” Kadri said sharply. Andrea she closed the conversation with words that touched her that he was slandering her in front of her friends, and still nothing would change her decision.

Will Kadri and Mirka put it together?

However, Kadri does not make too much of a headache, on the contrary, he is grateful for knowledge charming Mirky, which forms a couple with the blue-eyed Peter. “I’m so glad I was able to meet you. You’re great, kind and sometimes funny. I can talk about everything with you and I love the way we think about everything. It’s great to have friends like you.” Kadri Mirce told social media.

Mirek’s bride, on the other hand, makes no secret of the information that Kadri is the exact type of her dream husband. “I like big, tattooed, bearded men,” she confided in one of her contributions. Many fans already believe that Mirka with Petr in the end, he breaks up and gets together with Kadri, with whom he has a lot in common, as they themselves have confirmed.

Will there be an exchange of wives in the end? What do you think?


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