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After the controversy over the Nancy CHRU, the director of the ARS Grand Est landed in the Council of Ministers

Four days after having made comments which had caused an uproar over the continuation of the reorganization project of the Nancy CHRU, Christophe Lannelongue, 66, director general of the Agence Régionale du Grand Est since January 2017, was landed on Wednesday morning in the Council of Ministers.

The rumor has been circulating insistently since Tuesday evening, with the inclusion of his dismissal on the agenda (which can be changed until the last minute) of the weekly government meeting at the Élysée. But the Council’s minutes, which are the only proof, confirms the decision adopted by the executive.

An uproar after his remarks about the reorganization plan of the Nancy University Hospital

Interviewed by East Republican Friday at an audio press conference organized on the initiative of the prefect of the Grand Est Region, on the continuation or change of trajectory of the reorganization dossier of the Nancy CHRU, via the Copermo (Interministerial Committee for performance and modernization of the care offer), Christophe Lannelongue had replied: “No reason to question Copermo for the CHRU. The file was to be examined at the beginning of June. We will be a few weeks late but the trajectory will remain the same while betting on the development of ambulatory surgery and of the rationalization of the installations by going from 7 sites to only one. It is a very demanding vision “.

Copermo plans to cut 598 jobs over five years and close 174 beds.

His statements had sparked strong protests on the right and on the left. The president of the hospital supervisory board, and outgoing mayor of Nancy, Laurent Hénart had written to the Minister of Health to protest. Olivier Véran had reframed his director on Twitter Sunday by announcing that “the reorganization plans are obviously suspended”.

Head of ARS Grand Est since 2017

Appointed Director General of ARS Grand Est in the Council of Ministers on December 7, 2016, Christophe Lannelongue took office in early January 2017. He was since 2012 head of the ARS of Burgundy and then of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

A graduate of the Institut d’études politiques (IEP) in Paris and holder of a master’s degree in economics, Inspector General of Social Affairs (Igas) since April 2002, he worked in several ministerial offices during his career, in particular in that of Jean-Pierre Chevènement at the Ministry of the Interior.

He was also rapporteur at the Court of Auditors. He was also director of programming, financial and real estate affairs (DPAFI) at the Ministry of the Interior in 1988 then director of general administration, personnel and budget (DAGPB) at the ministry of Employment and Solidarity in 1998. He held this position until April 2002, when he joined the General Inspectorate of Social Affairs (Igas).

In June 2012, he joined the cabinet of the Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Marisol Touraine, as an advisor in charge of the territorial organization of care pole. In December 2012, he was appointed Director General of ARS Bourgogne. He exercised this responsibility until January 2016, then took over the management of ARS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, before coming to the Grand Est to occupy the same functions.

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