Home » today » Entertainment » After the concert, Katrīna Gupalo “presents” fans with her mobile phone number – Music

After the concert, Katrīna Gupalo “presents” fans with her mobile phone number – Music

On Saturday, September 5, Katrīna Gupalo’s concert “7 Sad Stars and the Moon of Alabama” took place in the recently opened music and drama room “OratoriO”, which was also attended by electronic music guru Oriole.

For the first time, the cultural space “OratoriO” created by actress Rēzija Kalniņa and conductor Ainārs Rubikis opened its doors in the Sports 2 quarter on August 29, and Katrīna Gupalo’s concert was only the second event in these rooms. It must be said that they are not easy to find (the entrance can be found from the side of Hanzas Street), but this is also the only conspicuous disadvantage of them – “OratoriO” created a very cozy impression, and the ever-friendly and communicative Katrīna Gupalo gave them even more family feel.

The concert of the singer and pianist took place in two parts. Each of them sounded both the original compositions and the songs of Imants Kalniņš (it seemed too much) in Katrīna’s arrangements, as well as Kurt Veil’s music and other melodies. Oriole, a connoisseur of electronic music, also joined the excellent pianist in several compositions, who gave the songs a peculiar background or shades. At the end of the concert, everyone who came already felt like their own, and Katrīna herself exacerbated these feelings with a rather risky move: she asked in a harsh voice (although she did not give up) who had filmed the concert, she asked them to write down her mobile phone number. Of course, so did other admirers of the singer’s talent. Listeners were also not denied group photos and / or selfies in the musician’s make-up room.

“It is so thrilling that Riga continues to sound that both new art projects and new premises are being created in Riga. “OratoriO” will become a unique platform for creative experiments, a crossroads for different artists and different genres, “said Katrīna Gupalo. The next concert in the new music and drama room will take place this Saturday, September 12, when the talented and beautiful sisters Balana and pianist Andrejs Osokins will meet in the film music program.

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