Home » today » World » After the British political shock, there is dawn: the new finance minister Hunter becomes the best candidate for the post of prime minister – yqqlm

After the British political shock, there is dawn: the new finance minister Hunter becomes the best candidate for the post of prime minister – yqqlm

(Original title: Dawn appeared after the British political shock and new finance minister Hunter became the best candidate for prime minister)

Financial Associated Press, October 18 (publisher Ma Lan)Truss and Hunter appeared in Congress on Monday. As she struggled to get along with Hunter, body language experts said she was sometimes as still as a wax figure in meetings, a far cry from the chatter and laughter she had with Kwarten, the ex. finance minister.

A few weeks ago, she was complacent and she and her like-minded partners had planned to give the British economy a chance by creating their own economic myth.

But a few weeks later, Truss was deeply criticized for “stepping down” and even an apology failed to stop the multi-party crusade. The treasurer around her cut her economic policy and looked more like a qualified politician.

Andrew Mitchell, a senior Conservative official under Cameron, said the prime minister only had two weeks to save himself and that if Parliament made it clear that a replacement was needed, impeachment mechanisms and technical issues would no longer matter and she it would be replaced.

And after a string of candidates was discussed over and over again, a new candidate suddenly appeared and more and more conservatives found that the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Hunter, might be a good choice.

The veiled slap in the face of the new finance minister

On Monday, Truss’s new Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, unveiled his new plan to eliminate nearly all of the tax cuts promised by Truss.

The financial markets also appear to be satisfied with the proposal. Following the issuance of the statement, the pound rose 1.6% against the dollar on Monday, the UK 10-year bond yield fell to 3.97% from 4.327% last Friday and the yield on 30-year bonds fell 48 basis points.

Economists say the new fiscal policy will significantly reduce the need for interest rate hikes.

Paul Johnson, director of the think tank at the Institute for Fiscal Studies, said that while it wasn’t enough to repair the damage done in recent weeks, it was a step in the right direction.

The market’s welcome to the new finance minister’s plan confirmed his dissatisfaction with Truss on the side. The louder the applause, the more it represents Tesla Economics’ failure.

Pseudo Thatcher style

When Truss ran for prime minister, he deliberately approached the famous British “Iron Lady” Thatcher. It’s a shame it’s hard to paint the skin and there was a gulf-like gap between Truss and Thatcher.

Thatcher once said in an interview in her later years that as a scientist, once you achieve your goals, your method becomes science; as a businessman, you can also achieve your goals in different ways, sometimes you can win, sometimes you can lose; You only have one way to go home, you can only win, you cannot lose.

Throughout his political career, Truss seems to be completely out of line with the word “tough”. The political stance of him in the U-turn style didn’t occur once or twice.

Take Brexit as an example, it took her less than two or three years to go from a hard-line “Remainer” to a powerful Brexit aide under Johnson.

And this time the mini budget is a repeat of history. This kind of frequent riots against politicians is obviously very fatal, because its uncertainty will directly lead the whole of the UK into an unreliable state.

This is the real reason why opposition from British political circles is currently on the rise, calling for the removal of the Prime Minister.

The best choice for the Prime Minister

Conservatives do not want to repeat the vulgar drama of the election of the prime minister, and the vacuum period of the power transfer process is also very risky for the current UK. This makes Hunt, who already has ministerial authority and is initially recognized by the financial market, hot.

Hunt himself has held various cabinet posts, including foreign minister and health minister, and is seen as a centrist in the Conservative Party, a “sure hand” expert who can lead the government through the current crisis.

What’s more interesting is that Hunter, once a staunch supporter of Tras’s rival Sunak, is financially closer to Sunak. Sunak was previously the new prime minister candidate that Conservative MPs in the British Parliament were hoping to pick.

Looking further ahead, Hunter also split from Johnson in the 2019 Conservative Party campaign, calling himself a no-nonsense candidate. Although he had lost badly at the time, for today’s British and the Conservative Party, his attitude of him is undoubtedly something to rejoice about.

A leader who is not casual like Johnson, not capricious like Truss, and who has just gained a lot of goodwill in the financial markets, seems to be the best choice for the Conservative Party now.

Previously, some Conservative Party members believed that Truss had lost control of the government and was now playing the role of “shadow prime minister”, and the person who really organized government affairs was Chancellor of the Exchequer Hunt.

While this suspicion has drawn rebuttals from many Conservative Party officials including Hunter, it has made many people feel that there is a “game”.

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