Home » News » After the autumn equinox, the weather becomes cooler, but beware of the counterattack of the “autumn tiger” -Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

After the autumn equinox, the weather becomes cooler, but beware of the counterattack of the “autumn tiger” -Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

After the autumn equinox, the weather becomes colder, but beware of the counterattack of the “autumn tiger”

Hangzhou network Release time: 09-24-2022 05:30 –

Hangzhou Daily News The so-called “white dew on the night of the autumn equinox, a night cools a night”, between summer and autumn, cold air is more and more frequent.

According to the Zhejiang Meteorological Observatory, a new wave of cold air has started and the temperature in the north of my country has dropped significantly. As the cold air gradually moves south, the temperature in our province has dropped slightly. But like the last wave of cold air, after climbing the mountains and reaching Hangzhou, it was already “weak” and “mild” so difficult to detect. Today, the lowest temperature in Hangzhou is around 18 ° C and the highest temperature is still 26 ° C.

Since the cold air is not violent this time, it will come and go quickly and the temperature will slowly rise from tomorrow. The highest temperature in western central Zhejiang and southern Zhejiang is 29 ° C-32 ° C, local 33 ° C-35 ° C and 27 ° C-29 ° C in other areas. Showers will appear from time to time scattered now on the 26th, but rainfall is not abundant and does not hinder movement.

The Hangzhou Meteorological Observatory predicts that the city will be sunny and rainy in the next few days. Among them, there will be short-lived light rains on the 28th, and sometimes showers on the 29th, and the rest of the weather will be mostly cloudy.

Furthermore, the Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that Typhoon No. 15 of this year “Taras” (tropical storm level) formed yesterday morning in the northwestern Pacific Ocean south of Japan. The Zhejiang Provincial Meteorological Observatory predicts that “Talas” will move rapidly northeast at a speed of 30-35 kilometers per hour, with little variation in intensity, and “Talas” will have no impact on our province in the future.

In fact, for us, compared to typhoons, I fear that at the moment we should beware of the “Autumn Tigers”. China Weather Network commented “Autumn Tiger’s favorite check-in city” and Hangzhou came in third. In short, the residual heat of late summer has not yet passed, the temperature fluctuates and the temperature difference between day and night increases, everyone should change in time to avoid a cold.

<!–enpproperty 83609622022-09-24 05:30:48:0记者 杨怡微秋分之后天渐凉 但要小心“秋老虎”反扑21265城市新闻城市新闻https://hznews.hangzhou.com.cn/chengshi/content/2022-09/24/content_8360962.htmnull杭州日报所谓“白露秋分夜,一夜凉一夜”,夏秋之交,冷空气越来越频繁。今天杭州最低气温在18℃上下,最高气温依然有26℃。1/enpproperty–>-

Source: Hangzhou Daily Author: Yang Yiwei reporter Publisher: Guan Pengwei

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