Home » today » Business » After the attack in Nice, negotiations with the EU on TTIP started – 2024-08-05 18:31:56

After the attack in Nice, negotiations with the EU on TTIP started – 2024-08-05 18:31:56

/ world today news/ The murder of innocent people during the French national holiday in Nice blocked for a long time the attention and efforts of the French rulers in a transatlantic direction. And they, the nice “frances”, were the most consistent opponents of the Transatlantic Agreement.

The comments about the terrorist act on the Cote d’Azur have not died down yet, and it is already noticeable progress in the TTIP negotiations. This was reported by the Reuters agency on July 15 of this year. citing his own sources who took part in the negotiations.

Francois Hollande was found a dignified and prestigious occupation – to constantly receive from all directions “sincere” condolences. Mostly from “strategic” allies. François no longer has time to resent David’s escape from the EU. After the many corpses on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, it is somehow not “comme il faut” or rather “as it should be” to deal with the frauds of your business partners. “Ce n’est pas joli joli” or more precisely “it is not pretty”! Let the French go about their mourning, let people lay flowers in front of the French embassies, write everywhere je suis Nice, but not to push themselves into big politics. These “annoying” Frenchmen were off to a very indecent start to grumble and for the corruption model introduced and legalized by the Americans for bribing politicians in the EU.

The “Fransets” reached the astonishing audacity of demanding that the honorable man be deprived of his pension Mr. President Baroz. Can you imagine? He himself, who, thanks to his past as a socialist-Maoist as well as later demonstrated concrete qualities and merits, was invited to the board of directors of Goldman Sachs. Some “analysts” in their comments expressed their almost confident assumption that the terrorist act in Nice is something of a ritual sacrifice on Bastille Day. The terrorist himself, with initial data of a “lone wolf”, drank alcohol and ate pork. But at the last moment as a “Muslim” received “enlightenment” and championed the cause of the franchised label- Daesh. Vast field for confessional, ethnic, social, civilizational, anthropological, political, economic, cultural, psychological, police and whatever in-depth academic studies you can think of.

Do the sacrifice it’s in Nice ritually as with the Incasor is unexplained case resulting in a waterfall of verbal “scientific” logorrhea, is another topic! But they are definitely being watched obvious differences from before and after the passage of the bloody truck along the promenade in Nice. As stated in the famous hit of the group “Europe” The Final Countdown, we have as a result two specific incidents:

TTIP negotiations started;

The issue of corruption and respected Monsieur le President Baroso was successfully and timely “seen under the kilim”.

As they say in the land of Voltaire… C’est la vie!

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