Home » today » Entertainment » After the appearance of some images according to which Clotilde Armand would have entered the voting room on the eve of the elections, Ciolacu demands her resignation, and Armand accuses a “fake news”

After the appearance of some images according to which Clotilde Armand would have entered the voting room on the eve of the elections, Ciolacu demands her resignation, and Armand accuses a “fake news”

“Some clarifications for the televisions that broadcast images with” Clotilde with his hand on the votes! ” and I say that I would have been in that room in the BES 1 headquarters: bad luck! The respective lady indicated by Tudorache’s lawyer and the PSD home televisions is not me. It looks like it but it doesn’t rise “, Clotilde Armand wrote on Facebook on Friday night.

This calls for a new gross fake news.

“A new rude fake-news appeared simultaneously on the televisions subscribed to the mayor’s money until I became mayor, there are desperate attempts by Dan Tudorache and his lawyer to distract attention from the files opened by DNA. For 9 months he has been struggling to say that I stole the votes and nobody believes him. Because Justice is not lying. I never entered the room where the votes were counted, in the pictures it is clear that it is another person. The level of false news created by PSD has gone too far. I will sue all those who are involved in this gross manipulation “, Armand also wrote.

She also sent a message to Marcel Ciolacu: “I see that the PSD president was in a hurry with the conclusions. I give him friendly advice: Sir. Ciolacu, change your glasses “.

Armand’s reaction comes after the PSD president demanded her resignation and the opening of an investigation by prosecutors.

“Armand’s resignation! And then in the hands of prosecutors! Maybe now everyone understands why Iohannis wants the abolition of SIIJ at any cost !!! What is SIIJ doing now to rename the votes already stolen by Clotilde Armand ?! This is no longer a problem of sector 1, but of Romanian democracy “, Marcel Ciolacu wrote on Facebook on Friday night.

He believes that the authorities must intervene.

“I still believe in the power of state institutions. Now the citizens must see that the state is not weak. I ask the authorities to intervene and urgently open a criminal investigation “, Ciolacu also wrote.

He announces that, if no measures are taken, PSD will use all the political means at its disposal.

“Justice must be done! We will tell the people that the Romanian state is weak in the face of abuses and we, the citizens, are needed. We’ll collect signatures and fire Armand! And all politicians, regardless of party, must take action !!! Let’s sign all the protocols and gather the signatures together “, the PSD leader also stated.

His reaction comes after România TV presented, on Friday evening, images according to which the mayor of Sector 1 would have entered the room with the votes on the evening of the local elections, according to news.ro.

The scandal of counting the votes from Sector 1 broke out after the broadcasting of some images in which people who were said to be members of USR PLUS were walking in the voting bags for the City Hall of Sector 1 of the Capital.

Former PSD mayor of Sector 1 Daniel Tudorache filed a complaint regarding the election result and demanded the commission of crimes by Dan Barna, USR president, prosecutor Nicolae Sprâncu – president of the Sector 1 Electoral Bureau and Andrei Nicolescu, USR member.

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