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After sayings of Paris, seremi de Salud en Magallanes resigns: “You seriously disrespect me” | National

After knowing a new balance of the situation of covid-19 in the country, the seremi de Salud in Magalles, Mariela Rojas, He presented his resignation to the Minister of the Portfolio, Enrique Paris.

In the letter that was released during the afternoon of this Sunday through social networks, Rojas points out that his decision is “indeclinable” It will be effective as of August 25.

Thus, he pointed out that the sayings issued this day by the head of the Ministry of Health, they are “partial, erroneous and unacceptable.”

“In Punta Arenas, NEVER, the health system collapsed and was not at risk of collapse, since the number of patients admitted to the UPC in the first outbreak, after the acroevacuations, never exceeded the number installed ”(sic), the text reads.

In addition, he adds that this strategy was promoted by former Minister Jaime Mañalich, “who evidently in an epidemiological situation much more complete than now, visited us and did what a RIGHT authority does” (sic).

To these harsh words, Rojas added that “if you had acted correctly and in the face of the supposed catastrophe that Magellan will experience, you should have called me and talked about the issue, a question that you unfortunately did not do.”

“You seriously disrespect me and issue statements for the gallery without scientific rigor”, he sentenced.

On the rise in Magallanes

The resignation of the seremi comes after it is known that the Bío Bío region remains together with Ñuble, Araucanía and Magallanes as the four that “worry a lot” due to their number of infections.

According to the epidemiological report that was published this Saturday by the Minsal, in Magallanes there is a significant increase in infections. According to Health data, as of August 20, the region registered the highest incidence rate of active cases nationwide.

Despite the fact that Punta Arenas returned to quarantine this Friday, this Sunday the region reported record numbers of infections in the last 24 hours. As reported, the last day had 115 new cases.

Along these lines, Minister Paris mentioned that “Magellan was the region that achieved the best rates in Chile and today it has the worst figures.”

“There is a local responsibility of the inhabitants, pero also from our own authorities that have to coordinate better. It is the authorities who have to order the situation, “the minister said.

“If not, God forbid, we will once again have a very large number of patients in the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit and once again we may have, hopefully not, a collapse,” he said.

Check out the full letter here:

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