Home » today » News » After San Francisco, New York and LA, French Bee is launching a Paris – Miami

After San Francisco, New York and LA, French Bee is launching a Paris – Miami

After Los Angeles, French bee is launching Paris – Miami for the end of the year, announces our partner Outremer 360°.

The managers of the long-haul “smart cost” company French bee have announced the launch next December of a Paris – Miami, while it is launching its first Paris – Los Angeles this Saturday. The opportunity to take stock of the exit from the crisis, the entry into another crisis and the state of the company and the destinations already served.

San Francisco to serve Tahiti and Polynesia, New York, Los Angeles and soon Miami. The managers of the French bee company are targeting this fourth major American city to establish its development in this high-potential market. ” French bee is a nugget, we had to continue to give ourselves the means declared Jean-Paul Dubreuil. While waiting for Miami, it is tomorrow, Saturday April 30, that the first connection between Orly and Tom Bradley will be launched, and the prospects are already positive. The company plans up to six flights per week to Los Angeles, compared to seven for New York and three for San Francisco.

“American Challenge”

For the winter 2022/2023 season, Jean-Paul Dubreuil and Marc Rochet, respectively president of Dubreuil Aéro and CEO of French bee, specify three flights per week for Miami, and the launch of this line will be done thanks to a new device, a A350-1000, whose delivery is scheduled for the launch of this line. For company executives, the Miami launch represents a ” american challenge “, emphasizing the” historic link between our two countries and above all, the tourist potential with the 4.7 million American tourists in France in 2019, without forgetting, on the contrary, the attractiveness of the United States.

Jean-Paul Dubreuil and Marc Rochet also want to capitalize on the credibility that the company has acquired on American soil since the launch of its Paris – Tahiti via San Francisco. And by targeting Miami, French bee thus completes its network between the American West and East coasts, while offering its customers its famous rates “ smart cost “, à la carte, adapted to a “ responsible clientele » et « mistress of its costs “. It will also be a question of offering its customers a new destination ” soleil », after Reunion, Tahiti and Los Angeles. The company can also count on its interline agreement concluded with Alaska Airlines, allowing passengers to go beyond the four major American cities offered by French bee.

Despite this assumed desire to deploy in the United States, the company does not set aside its historic line Paris – La Réunion, which it serves up to 10 flights per week. On the island, the company highlights its ” solid and sustainable establishment since 2017 », which enabled it to take a 20% market share and increase passenger capacity on the island thanks to the A350-1000. As for its Paris – Tahiti, the company emphasizes the “ very strong resilience of the destination », while it has already transported 65,000 passengers between New York and Orly since July 14, with an occupancy rate of 80% in April.

“The sun returns to air transport”

If Jean-Paul Dubreuil and Marc Rochet are delighted ” to see the sun come back on air transport “, they remain no less cautious in the face of ” some clouds of the war in Ukraine, and in particular the rise in the price of hydrocarbons which had begun before the conflict in Eastern Europe. Marc Rochet does not hide it: the rise in the price of hydrocarbons will have an impact of around 15% on the price of tickets. For the time being, on French bee, this increase is 10% but it will be expected that prices will increase further. However, Jean-Paul Dubreuil nuance, the difference is made compared to the year 2021, year when the traffic was still low, and the prices with. And this increase is to be weighted with the rates of the previous decade.

On the health side, French bee, like its big sister Air Caraïbes, is doing well. They are backed by solid » Groupe Dubreuil, whose activities are diversified enough to ensure an equally solid sustainability. The company, which currently has 335 employees, including 307 flight personnel, will increase to 480 personnel in the summer, an increase solely due to the hiring of new cabin crew members. And if Marc Rochet regrets the help not fair and transparent of the State, which is missing according to the manager of strategy on the air, it assures that the company approaches a correct summer.

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