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After Samah Anwar’s speech about not drinking water for 17 years, here’s what


Saturday 17th September 2022

I wrote – Yasmine El-Sawy:

Actress Samah Anwar said she hasn’t drunk water for 17 years, noting that she eats water-rich fruits and vegetables, tea and coffee made with boiling water instead, because her body faces many ailments and problems if she drinks water.

In the following report, the “Consultation” examines the medical diagnosis of this condition, both psychologically and physically, according to the “Health Line” website.

psychiatric diagnosis

The vast majority of people suffer from fear of a particular thing, and among these fears is the phobia of water, in which a person avoids having to deal with water in general, whether by eating it or swimming with it. it.

Water phobia is more common in women than in men, and symptoms often include feelings of malaise, tension, and an inability to take or swim with water.

The person may also experience nausea, increased heart rate, chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness, and a desire to avoid water altogether.

There are no known causes of hydrophobia, but some evidence points to a genetic link.If a family member suffers from a mental disorder such as depression, stress, or any other type of phobia, the person’s chances of water phobia increase.

It is also possible that a person has a bad experience with water at some time in their life and that some psychological and mental changes will occur.

This condition needs psychological treatment through cognitive-behavioral therapy or exposure therapy to deal with his feelings and fears.

physical diagnosis

There is a rare condition called a water allergy, in which the patient experiences burning, itching, and redness of the skin when they drink or touch the water, and some may even suffer from rare symptoms such as shortness of breath and wheezing.

These symptoms appear within as little as 30-60 minutes and there is no clear cause for this problem, but it could be related to an allergic reaction to certain foods and drinks.

Read also: I can not drink water – The teenager suffers from rare allergies

Treatment is summarized in taking oral antihistamines, topical treatments or other medications that the doctor determines, as appropriate, to control symptoms and treat.

Recent studies have indicated that there are only about 100 cases of water allergy in the world.

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