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After passive smoking, here is ultra-passive smoking

After passive smoking, a study has shown the existence of ultra-passive smoking which is also harmful to health!

Often, unwittingly, non-smokers are exposed to tobacco smoke. In addition to making them passive smokers, they also risk cancer, cardiovascular disease and respiratory problems. According to the Cancer Foundation, passive smoking even causes the death of tens of thousands of non-smokers each year in the European Union.

Recently, a study has shown that there is another kind of side effect caused by smokers. This is ultra-passive smoking. Here, it is no longer tobacco smoke the problem, but the smell of cold tobacco that permeates the tissues even if no smoker is present in the room. According to a scientific study conducted by Yale University and also published in the journal Science Advances, being an ultra-passive smoker causes health risks.

Tobacco smoke contains residues, called “thirdhand smoke”. These residues can then be deposited everywhere: on clothes, hair, skin, furniture, … before evaporating little by little. This process is called “gas evolution”.

A more than challenging experience

An experiment was carried out in a German cinema in which smoking has been prohibited for 15 years. There must therefore have been no trace of cigarette smoke. The scientists therefore placed a high-tech sampling device in the cinema’s air exhaust ducts. Following this, they came to the conclusion that when a spectator is exposed to tertiary smoke, it is as if he smoked between 1 and 10 cigarettes depending on the substances present in the air. Over 4 days, the scientists found that the presence of 35 tobacco-related chemicals had increased at the places which were the subject of the experiment, as soon as spectators entered the cinema. In these chemicals, there was benzene and formaldehyde which can cause cancer.

At the time of projections of films like “Resident Evil”, the effects were then very intense. According to the study, this could be linked to the fact that this type of film attracts an older audience, who are more likely to have been exposed to tobacco smoke. Drew Gentner, one of the study’s authors, explains: ” Our work establishes that there is a substantial deposit of tertiary smoke components by people in a real non-smoking indoor environment “.

The scientist nevertheless recognizes that determining precisely the health risks for individuals was beyond the scope of the current study and that, in addition, it could depend on a multitude of factors.

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