Bogor –
Amirul Mu’minin or Amir (42), mistaken The convenience store specialist was beaten up by the mob while in action at Tanah Sareal, Kota Bogor. The perpetrator had been brandishing a revolver and firing shots into the air when residents caught him.
“It is true that we have secured a thief suspected to be a convenience store specialist in Bogor. The evidence we have obtained from the perpetrators is in the form of an improvised firearm along with 1 bullet and a motorbike belonging to the perpetrator Tanah Sareal Police Chief Kompol Surya said on Thursday (29/12/2022).
Amir acted with his colleague with initials FR in a convenience store in Kayumanis village, Kota Bogor, Thursday (29/12), around 01:30 WIB. The two perpetrators’ actions were picked up on by residents who were on patrol.
“According to the testimony of the witness, initially there were 2 perpetrators who were caught on the roof of the Alfamart. Then the witness shouted at the thief, then one person was arrested, but the perpetrator’s friend escaped,” he said. said the head of the criminal office. Tanah Sareal Police Investigation Unit, Iptu Saleh Anwar Tuarita.
Anwar said the perpetrator, Amir, had brandished a gun and fired shots upwards to scare the surrounding residents below the convenience store. It is suspected that he panicked after being cornered, his homemade gun dropped into a ditch, and the perpetrator arrested by residents.
“Earlier the perpetrators had fired homemade guns upwards, but due to panic they immediately threw them into a ditch, the perpetrators were immediately arrested by the residents,” Anwar said.
Residents who were bothered by theft in their area immediately judged the perpetrators of Amir until they were black and blue. Meanwhile, his partner, FR, managed to escape.
“We are still looking for information about the perpetrator. His condition is very bad, he has been taken to puskesmas for treatment,” Anwar said.
“We are still developing the case, we are still looking for the whereabouts of an escaped perpetrator, members are currently in the field,” he added.
See also video: Viral motorcycle thief pointing gun at Mustika Jaya Bekasi