Home » today » Entertainment » After more than 20 years, he returned to CCTV as the instructor of the “Gold Medal Comedy Class” Chen Peisi is still a comedy master

After more than 20 years, he returned to CCTV as the instructor of the “Gold Medal Comedy Class” Chen Peisi is still a comedy master

Original title: After more than 20 years, he returned to CCTV as the tutor of “Gold Medal Comedy Class” Chen Peisi is still a comedy master

Recently, a special comedy variety show has quietly appeared, bringing something very different from previous similar showsfeel. The first domestic comedy inheritance variety show “Gold Medal Comedy Class” produced by China Central Radio and Television Station not only invites three comedy masters from different fields, Chen Peisi, Guo Degang, and Yingda, to serve as judges, but also puts comedy in competition and competition. Develop a combination of reality shows, with the slogan “The true comedy spirit needs to be passed down”, introduce the concept of “teaching”, and explore the core of the comedy spirit.

In previous competition-style comedy shows such as “Happy Comedian” and “Swordsman”, different comedy genres competed on the same stage and finally decided the place. In this process, the players worked their own way, and the judges played the role of scoring and commenting. The three judges of the “Gold Medal Comedy Class” take the role of mentor and use their strengths to truly guide the players to improve in the field of comedy. Different classes have their own emphasis: Chen Peisi is familiar with the field of sketches and dramas, Guo Degang is deeply involved in the crosstalk industry, and Freetech is the main comedy film and television. The most striking is obviously Chen Peisi, who has returned to the CCTV stage after more than 20 years.


Chen Peisi has a lot of dry goods, and Guo Degang is popular

As a well-known comedian in China, Chen Peisi has repeatedly appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and contributed many popular sketches such as “Eating Noodles”, “Protagonists and Supporting Roles”, “Police and Thieves”. In the second CCTV Spring Festival Gala in 1984, “Eating Noodles” performed by Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao became a hit, prompting the skit to formally become an independent art performance form to continue on the Spring Festival Gala stage and widely appear in various galas. Therefore, the industry claims that Chen Peisi and Zhu Shimao have created a precedent for Chinese sketches.

In 1998, after starring in the skit “The Prince and the Postman” on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Chen Peisi bid farewell to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. After more than 20 years, Chen Peisi returned to the CCTV stage as the tutor of “Gold Medal Comedy Class”, which made many fans and audiences look forward to it. However, Chen Peisi’s return this time not only did not perform a comedy performance, but also was not “funny” at all. Chen Peisi, who sat in the C position of the mentor seat, was unsmiling and sharp, and was called “the strictest mentor” by netizens.

Chen PeisiacceptIn an interview with the media, he stated that his original intention for the show was to discover new comedies. Since he left the Spring Festival Gala stage, he has been engaged in drama performance creation and research. The Avenue Comedy Theatre he founded is also dedicated to cultivating new comedy talents. When reviewing the work of the students, Chen Peisi will judge the play and the performance separately.And todaypopularChen Peisi respects the comedy creation mode that relies on dislocation, misunderstanding and contrast to produce jokes. “Creating laughter is our starting point, but not a means of creation.” He repeatedly emphasized that the so-called “drama” isconflict, There is a conflict between characters and stories. Comedy effects must be generated from the character, from the event, and from the character’s personality to design the action andbehavior, “Because of the previous character, there is a story behind.”

In his opinion, too much emphasis on results and burdens in dramas will lead to deviations in the performance of actors. “Bagging is always used to evaluate a work. I think this is putting the cart before the horse. This direction is particularly bad. It makes us feel bad. When actors perform on stage, they are very eager for quick success. Many actors do not see people in their eyes or feel their opponents. This role does not feel that role, and each plays its own role. These shortcomings are fixed.”

Unlike Chen Peisi, Guo Degang has a strong sense of variety as a crosstalk actor who has been walking around in major shows in recent years. He not only laughs when commenting, but also shows off his talents from time to time.Not only that, Guo Degang also acted as the host of the scene. After the actors have finished their performances, he will start the commentary, or with the other two mentors.interactive, To create a lot of laughs and highlights for the show.In cross talk “Man and woman in love”, the funny actor Li Yuanyuan is an actress from Sichuan who has taught himself cross talk for many years.ProfessionThe cross talk actor Xu Jian should be inferior, Guo Degang directly pointed out Li Yuanyuan’s shortcomings, and even said that she should “go home after a round of fun in Beijing”.Just when Li Yuanyuan burst into tears and Chen Peisi and Yingda’s two mentors gave the “elimination” judgment, Guo Degang unexpectedly gave an “admission” result, creating a bigReverse, For the full effect of the program. In the introductions of the players, many people said bluntly “coming for Teacher Guo” and wanted to join Guo Degang’s class. In the previous episodes of the program, Guo Degang has also become one of the most sought-after mentors.


Willing to try cross-border, various programs

When “Gold Medal Comedy Class” was recorded, there were 50 groups of players who had been screened by the program group in advance. In the first stage of the program, 50 groups of contestants performed one-by-one stage performances to determine the status of the contestants’ stay and class. The desktops of the three tutors are equipped with three option buttons: admission, recommendation, and failure. According to the performance of the students, the instructor decides whether they will be directly admitted or rejected, or they can choose to recommend to other instructors. When more than two admissions are obtained, the contestant will choose the instructor instead; when there is no admission but two or more recommendations are obtained, the contestant will enter the auditing class, and can choose to go to any tutor’s class to “catch a class”. Later according to the program arrangement, there will be some Opportunity to be on stage.

The 50 groups of players can be said to come from all over the world, spanning multiple industries, and some of them have nothing to do with comedy before. Among the contestants, there are professional opera actors, practitioners of local operas, comedians, drama actors, film and television actors, etc., and even presenters. For example, the appearance of Jin Ming and Wang Dongcheng surprised other players and audiences. Jin Ming herself said in the show that she used to play more in Qiong Yao’s drama, “I have been crying, but now I want to laugh.” She wants to return to the essence of an actor, rather than a single interpretation of a certain type of role. Some other actors, such as Sheng Wei, who was originally a cross talk actor, brought sketches to the stage. He bluntly said that he wanted to explore new forms of performance. Some well-known actors or entertainers appeared on the stage of “Gold Medal Comedy Class”, and netizens commented that “Finally, a show that is not about fame but for strength is ushered in.”

In terms of performance content, the contestants’ programs cover a variety of comedy categories such as operas, sketches, musicals, puppet shows, magic comedies, comedies, and Ji operas. Local comedies such as Sichuan comedy and Jilin Jiju are shown on the stage of the show to let more audiences know, and netizens also commented that they “conform to the concept of “inheritance” of the show”. Peking opera ugly actors Cao Yangyang and Tan Yuan’s program “Da Lang Fights Da Lang” not only added the excerpts of Peking Opera “Sanchakou”, but also added modern elements such as Super Mario sound effects, which won unanimous praise from the three instructors and contestants.According to the two actors, they came to participate in the show, “I want to use the platform to bring traditionalculture, Opera and harlequin art are shown to the audience through various performance methods and different performance methods. “I hope that more audiences can know the ugly actors and the traditional arts will be innovated and developed.

Competition system

Teaching combined with practice, staged a big drama on graduation

According to the program’s competition system, the players’ live performances and the instructor’s evaluation of the class belong to the first stage. The second and third stages are the class quiz and the class test respectively. In the process, the students will go through various training courses. Learn and improve in the class. After two months of study, students in each class will have a performance of the graduation drama, which is also the fourth stage of the show. As of the time of writing, the program will be broadcast to the end of the first stage of the class assessment. After that, under the guidance of the instructor, whether the students can improve their performance level in class learning and rehearsal, so as to move to a higher level of comedy creation and performance. And know.

In the show, Chen Peisi has also been passing on his comedic spirit to the newcomers. For example, Shanghai’s new comedians Zhang Yu and Huo Xingchen used the traditional crosstalk “Learning Radio” mode in the sketch “Crazy Live”, using multiple elements and freshness to innovate traditional performances. Although the style is simple, it combines the hot spots of the times. , Ironically, did not adopt the current sketch of the happy head and sad tail mode, the abrupt end of the barrage attracted unanimous praise. This program made Chen Peisi take the initiative to grab people, and said that “it doesn’t have to be an ending”, expressing his personal views.

According to the program team, after the division of classes, each class will implement the concept of mentoring. Chen Peisi led the students to observe the comedy drama performance, Guo Degang led the students and apprentices in the theater to practice, Yingda led the students to the human art audition, and passed the comedy public class and the theater field. The combination of performance, theory and practice allows students to extract materials from their lives and obtain a more vivid source of comedy creation.


Comedy is difficult and requires high levels of play and performance

Chen Peisi once said frankly that it is difficult to laugh cutely. It is a process of torturing yourself to please others. The industry generally believes that comedy is more difficult to create than tragedy, and the industry threshold is higher, and the requirements for script creation, performance form, and presentation effect are stricter.Nowadays, the development of comedy brings many career opportunities, and more and more people are engaged in comedy relatedjobs, Even some idol singers and powerful actors also feature “commercial” characters. However, the young actor Xia Chenxu has “developed against the trend”. He used to be mainly engaged in comedy performances, but now he rarely appears in comedies. In this regard, a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News interviewed Xia Chenxu and discussed several issues with him in comedy performance.

Yangcheng Evening News: What type of comedy have you played before?

Xia Chenxu: When I was in school before, I talked about cross talk, acted in sketches, and rehearsed dramas.Later, I became an actor, so I didn’t have much contact with cross talk sketches, mainly acting in comedies.themeDramas and movies.

Yangcheng Evening News: Why don’t you play comedies now?

Xia Chenxu: It’s not that I won’t act, it’s just that I acted less. Comedy is expressionistic, and the way of performance is exaggerated, especially the skit. To quickly achieve the comedy effect in a short time, you have to use some exaggerated movements, expressions, lines, etc. to attract the audience’s attention. I don’t like very exaggerated performances. Live performances such as skits and dramas are very demanding of actors, and they have to burst out huge emotions and energy in an instant. The actors deliberately performed exaggerated performances to make the audience laugh, which made me look a little embarrassed. Including my own previous works, it is awkward to look back now. If it’s a comedy movie, it’s better, like “Crazy Stone” I like very much, but it requires a lot of drama, sometimes a good script is harder to come across than a good actor, comedy is too hard!

Yangcheng Evening News: If you have the opportunity to accept the guidance of comedy masters, what aspects of the performance do you think can be improved?

Xia Chenxu: First of all, it must be skill, which is the easiest for the audience to perceive. Including baggage, rhythm, body movements, expressions, etc., what kind of look is funny. When should the audience laugh, it takes a lot of training and learning. Masters are often experienced and can directly tell you which skills can be obtained. What kind of effect allows you to quickly grasp the “secret”.Followed by emotionCognition, Ordinary actors often only pay attention to skills and the presentation of funny effects when acting in comedies, but the real masters are not just expressionists. They will substitute the emotions of the characters and understand the behavior of the roles they play.motivationHarmony and meaning, truly integrated into the role, makes the performance present a sense of weightlessness. In addition, it’s not just about acting. Comedy masters often have strong creative abilities. The works they create can better express what they think in their hearts and understand each character, so they can also present a more perfect performance.

Yangcheng Evening News: The slogan of “Gold Medal Comedy Class” is “The true spirit of comedy needs to be passed on.” What do you think is the spirit of comedy?

Xia Chenxu: Comedy is the product of human wisdom and rationality, and it’s more than just making people laugh.Traditional comedies mainly include satirical comedies and humorous comedies. The former presents a critical spirit of satire, lashing out ugliness, and sarcasm, while the latter expresses a kind of optimism.confidenceSpirit, even if the status is not high and the problems continue, but still optimistic. In addition to these two spirits, I think the comic spirit also includes the spirit of detachment and freedom.Only with a clear understanding of reality can we make precise and profound satire on it; while the problem of transcending reality presents a positive and optimistic lifeattitude, It is a kind of freedom, and it is also the highest state that comedy wants to pursue.

(Source: Yangcheng Evening News)

(Editor in charge: DF398)

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