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After killing the victim, the perpetrator of the sadistic murder immediately prostrated in front of his father’s bloodied body – All Pages

GridPop.ID – Cases of sadistic and heinous murders create a commotion and shake people’s conscience.

The case of a son killing his father and brother in Medan is very sad

The perpetrator had bowed down after seeing his father lying.

Eyewitnesses said that the cause of the murder of the father and brother’s stabbed son stemmed from money.

Arsyad Kertonawi had the heart to kill his father and brother using kitchen knife.

The sadistic murder committed by Arsyad against his older sister named Riski Sarbiani, and his father named Sugeng shocked the residents.

This incident then stole the attention of the public on Jalan T Amir Hamzah / Jalan Wakaf, Sei Agul Village, West Medan District.

After the murder on Saturday (28/8/2021) night, residents flocked to the scene.

However, the chronology and motive for this murder are still unclear.

There are two stories why M Arsyad Kertonawi had the courage to stab his father and brother many times.

A number of residents who were interviewed said that this sadistic killing took place at around 19.30 WIB.

That night, Arsyad was reported to have asked his father for money for reasons of necessity.

But the father is said to have not given the money Arsyad asked for.

“Because of money, bang. He asked for money, he wasn’t given it, then he made a fuss with his father,” said Adun, a local resident.

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For some reason, suddenly Arsyad was like a man in a trance.

He walked into the kitchen, then took a knife and stabbed his father in the stomach.

As soon as the knife pierced Sugeng’s stomach, the victim fought back.

When the fight occurred, Arsyad again stabbed the knife, until it hit his father’s left arm.

As a result of this incident, the perpetrator’s father’s left arm was torn.

The perpetrator’s brother, Riski Sabriani, had tried to resolve the dispute.

However, Riski Sabriani was also stabbed in the stomach and chin.

At the time of the incident, Riski was found dead in the room.

Meanwhile, the perpetrator’s father was found beside the house.

Fight with Riski

Meanwhile, a co-actor named Iam said that prior to the incident, Arsyad had an argument with his biological brother.

This incident happened a few weeks ago.

At that time, it was said that Riski had pawned their mother’s cellphone.

Arsyad, who did not accept it, asked Riski to redeem the cellphone.

Arsyad gave Riski 1 x 24 hours to return their mother’s cellphone.

“He (Arsyad) is not compatible with his brother,” said Iam.

However, Iam did not explain whether the pawned cellphone had been returned or not.

It’s just that, said Iam, Arsyad had asked his friends for help to teach his brother a lesson.

But Iam and other friends tried to calm Arsyad’s anger.

Strong suspicion, this problem is also what makes Arsyad brave to stab his brother to death in the room.

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The Figure of the Doer in the Eyes of a Friend

Arsyad, the killer of his father and brother, is known as a quiet person.

So far, Arsyad also rarely joins friends from the same neighborhood.

This was conveyed by Adit, a friend and neighbor of the perpetrator.

“He rarely joins us. The one who often joins is his brother,” said Adit.

Adit also wondered why Arsyad had the heart to kill his father and biological brother.

Even though Adit had never heard of Arsyad having problems with his family.

“I’ve never heard of any fuss. It’s normal,” said Adit.

Adit also said that he had lost a good friend who was easy to get along with.

Adit admits that he is closer to Riski.

“His brother often goes to the mosque. He is humorous and likes to joke,” said Adit.

Nevertheless, Adit hopes that this matter can be revealed clearly, so that there is no confusion of information about this incident.

Prostrate in front of his father’s corpse

A number of residents who were at the scene of the murder said that Arsyad did not run away after killing his father and biological brother.

According to residents, Arsyad was silent in the house.

Even then he prostrated himself in front of his father’s corpse, as if regretting his actions.

According to public information, the knife used by Arsyad to kill his father was found in the kitchen of the house.

He also admitted that he had made a mistake in killing the parents who had raised him.

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Detained at the West Medan Police

After killing his biological father and brother, Arsyad chose not to run away.

Residents who were at the location then contacted the West Medan Sector Police officer.

Upon receiving the report, the police immediately visited the scene.

Arsyad, who was at his house, was immediately arrested and taken to the police station.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the West Medan Police, AKP Prastyo, said that the perpetrators were still being questioned.

Prastyo said that his party was still investigating this case.

The officer with the rank of three gold bars on his shoulder also asked for prayers so that this case could be solved immediately.

Trigger the Crowd

The location of the murder on Waqf Street, X/XV Neighborhood, Karang Berombak Village, West Medan District was packed with hundreds of people.

Residents rushed to enter the house where Sugeng was killed by his son named M Arsyad.

It is feared that the location of this killing will be a new cluster of Covid-19 spread.

“It’s disbanded, let alone what you want to see. There’s nothing here,” shouted a member of the police in civilian uniform, Saturday (28/8/2021).

Even though it had been disbanded, residents did not want to know about the police’s appeal.

They are still trying to push into the house where the murder occurred.

In fact, some residents seemed busy capturing the scene using their cellular cameras.

Because the residents did not want to disperse, members of the TNI who happened to be at the location also tried to disperse the crowd.

But still, people gathered.

Some of them don’t even wear masks.

Until this moment, the location of the incident is still crowded.

It was so congested, the traffic flow at the location was completely jammed.

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