Home » today » News » After killing the victim, the perpetrator of the sadistic murder immediately prostrated in front of his father’s bloodied body

After killing the victim, the perpetrator of the sadistic murder immediately prostrated in front of his father’s bloodied body

GridPop.ID – Cases of sadistic and heinous murders create a commotion and shake people’s conscience.

The case of a son killing his father and brother in Medan is very sad

The perpetrator had bowed down after seeing his father lying.

Eyewitnesses said that the cause of the murder of the father and brother’s stabbed son stemmed from money.

Arsyad Kertonawi had the heart to kill his father and brother using kitchen knife.

The sadistic murder committed by Arsyad against his older sister named Riski Sarbiani, and his father named Sugeng shocked the residents.

This incident then stole the attention of the public on Jalan T Amir Hamzah / Jalan Wakaf, Sei Agul Village, West Medan District.

After the murder on Saturday (28/8/2021) night, residents flocked to the scene.

However, the chronology and motive for this murder are still unclear.

There are two stories why M Arsyad Kertonawi had the courage to stab his father and brother many times.

A number of residents who were interviewed said that this sadistic killing took place at around 19.30 WIB.

That night, Arsyad was reported to have asked his father for money for reasons of necessity.

“Because of money, bang. He asked for money, he wasn’t given it, then he made a fuss with his father,” said Adun, a local resident.

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