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After Israeli Withdrawal, Palestinians Return to Devastated Khan Younis: CNN Report

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Gaza Residents Return to Devastated Homes After Israeli Withdrawal

Khan Younis, Gaza
Highly Respectable News Website

Angelos Restanis, April 9, 2024

Returning Residents Find Their Homes in Ruins

Palestinians who were forced to leave their homes in Khan Younis due to Israel’s military offensive have started to return, following the withdrawal of Israeli forces. However, as they come back, they are greeted with scenes of utter devastation in their former neighborhoods.

Video footage, filmed by a correspondent, shows dozens of returning residents in Khan Younis sifting through heaps of rubble that were once their homes. Some stand on top of destroyed buildings, while others search for salvageable belongings in a city that has been largely reduced to wasteland.

Bulldozed City, Ripped-Up Homes

The Israeli military, after months of fierce fighting, declared its withdrawal from Khan Younis, labeling it as a major Hamas stronghold. The aftermath of the offensive reveals that much of the city, previously inhabited by hundreds of thousands of people, now lies bulldozed. The video exposes frames of homes completely torn apart, roads scattered with rubble and debris.

The returning residents salvage what few things they can find amidst the destruction. They retrieve items such as mattresses, carpets, kitchen containers, and blocks of wood. Heartbreakingly, some children carry what they can salvage over their backs, including sofas and chairs.

One man, driving through the remnants of the city on his motorbike, captures the devastating reality, saying, “This is what has become of Gaza.”

A Staggering Return

As Khan Younis residents start returning to their homes, they employ various means of transportation. Some trek on foot, while others ride bicycles, pickup trucks, or travel on the backs of donkeys. The video footage reflects the immense challenges these individuals face as they grapple with the wreckage of their once-thriving community.

The Faces of Loss and Resilience

The footage presents heartbreaking testimonials of individuals who have emerged from the destruction.

A 12-year-old girl named Aseel points to a pile of rubble that marks the location where her home once stood. She laments the loss of her abode and expresses regret over being only able to salvage a few personal items, saying, “I wish I could’ve gotten my clothes.”

Another youth named Tamar carries wood salvaged from the ruins, intending to sell it rather than relying on public assistance. Though he didn’t initially recognize his house, Tamar emphasizes the devastation he witnessed, stating, “Devastation everywhere.”

Mahmoud Ahmad, an elderly man, stands amid the ruins of his destroyed home. With grief in his voice, he points to different areas that used to signify various familial experiences. All that remains are fragments of his life, including a burned washing machine and a demolished kitchen.

An Unrecognizable City

The gravity of the damage inflicted on Khan Younis is overwhelming. Almost all the buildings, including homes, offices, and mosques, have been greatly affected, with several being entirely flattened. Those structures still standing are marred by soot, bullet holes, and damage from artillery.

The echoes of Israeli drones and occasional gunshots provide an unsettling soundscape throughout the area. Disturbing graffiti, including anti-Arab profanities and statements claiming Gaza as belonging to the Jews, further accentuate the despair.

Background & Unthinkable Challenges

Prior to the Hamas attack on Israel in early December, Khan Younis was home to over 400,000 residents, ranking it as the second-largest city in Gaza. Often serving as a refuge for Palestinian civilians during Israeli military operations, Khan Younis became a sanctuary for many fleeing north Gaza.

The conflict in Khan Younis, that led to forced displacement, has left more than a million Palestinians in dire humanitarian conditions in the city of Rafah. Israel is currently planning an offensive in Rafah, adding to the plight of those who have already suffered such immense loss.

Amid the devastation and displacement, the implications for the once-bustling city and its people are profound. Left traumatized and without an immediate place to call home, Abdelkarim, a young Palestinian, recognizes his dreams of education shattered as he sits next to his destroyed school, saying, “There’s no more life. Our childhood is gone. They destroyed us.”

All stakeholders involved must urgently address the immeasurable challenges and work towards rebuilding the lives and infrastructure of the affected communities.

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