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“After irresponsible reports about medicine”… Al-Abyad: There is no problem and no new cases of cholera

After the controversial news in the last few days about the drug situation in Lebanon, the Minister of Health, Dr. Firas Al-Abyad, held a press conference in Karantina, in the presence of the President of the Syndicate Pharmaceutical trade, Joe Gharib, the President of the Syndicate of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Dr. Carol Abi Karam, and the Head of the Epidemiological Research Program in the Ministry of Health, General Dr. Nada Ghosn.

Al-Abyad said that “there is no drug problem in Lebanon, the issue is under control, and there is no need to scare people. ” He emphasized, “There are no new cases of cholera but the case mentioned,” he said: The Ministry of Public Health is so prepared to fight cholera if it spreads..

He stressed “the need to inform public opinion about the reality of the drug situation in Lebanon after the irresponsible reports that appeared in the last few days raising concern among people regarding the drug issue . “.

Photo by colleague Hassan Assal

Al-Abyad explained the amount of medicine available in the country as follows:

Medicines for chronic diseases:As far as imports are concerned, the existing stock is enough for about four to five months. Imports happen naturally because Middle East Airlines prioritizes health issues, especially medicine, and this leads to receiving the quantities that used to arrive through other airlines, which leads to continuous renewal of stock.. Regarding the manufacture of medicines for chronic diseases in Lebanon, raw materials are available in factories that can supply medicines for four months, and there are factories that can supply medicines for eight months.. In addition, the Ministry received a large number of chronic disease medicines as aid, which will be directed to primary health care centers for free distribution to the displaced. This leads to the creation of a strategic pharmaceutical stockpile if the aggression is extended and developed and any port is closed..

Cancer cures: In this regard, Minister White surprised him by circulating a figure about the presence of fifty thousand cancer patients in Lebanon, stressing that “thank God, Lebanon has not reached this terrible number.” He explained that the number of cancer and incurable disease patients “who receive the medicine from the Ministry does not exceed ten thousand patients.” He emphasized, “Their medicines are available. The Ministry received from several companies a six-month stock of special medicines, and a stock of other medicines sufficient for at least two months. stock until it is enough for four months, like medicines for chronic diseases.”. The Minister of Public Health pointed out that “the only obstacle they may face is the question of the doctor submitting his patient’s file to the Ministry according to the mechanism agreed on high- Aman platform and submitting a drug prescription within the approved protocols. That is not done, the patient must go to the local market. ““.

Distribution of medicines to institutions: Minister Al-Abyad recalled that “the Ministry of Public Health provides medicines to displaced people through primary care centers linked to shelter centers and mobile teams, and displaced people who are not in shelter centers can go to primary care centers as well.” He called to “check the daily list issued by the Ministry with the names and numbers of the centers where any patient who has been transferred can receive examination and medication. The Minister, Dr. Al-Abyad, said, “233 primary care centers are currently providing health services to 788 shelter centers. The Ministry distributed 1,600,000 medicine boxes to these centers in the two weeks that departed from their warehouses in Karantina, including 90 different ones. types of medicine, including medicines for serious diseases or medicines for illnesses.” On average, each center received between five and six thousand medicine kits“. He continued: “The distribution of an additional quantity of medicine through a partnership program with the Ministry of Public Health, implemented by the Young Men’s Christian Association, will bring the total number of medicine boxes to the distribution to two million and one hundred thousand boxes.”“. The Minister of Public Health noted, “The demand has not changed significantly in terms of medication needs for chronic diseases, while the increase has occurred by 40 to 50 percent in medications for serious diseases, as overpopulation and lack of public health resources cause skin diseases. such as scabies and others, food poisoning, and diarrhoea, which doubles the need.” Take medicines for acute illnesses, such as Panadol and antibiotics“. Al-Abyad announced the start of a second round of distribution of drugs, which will be according to demand, as the stock is still full in several centers.

Serums: Lebanon has three factories that work and supply the needs of the market, including a factory in a dangerous area, but it is still working. The Ministry also received a large number of serums through aid, and there is no problem in this area.

General status of the drug: Minister Dr. Al-Abyad confirmed that “in general, there is no problem with the medicine.” He said, “The business people who have made efforts in the last three years have helped to ensure the security of very important drugs, and importers are also doing their part.” He emphasized, “The issue of drugs is under control and there is no need to overdo it.”.

Cholera case: Al-Abyad addressed the issue of cholera, and recalled “the spread of the epidemic that occurred in 2022, as the Ministry continued, through the ​​​​epidemiological research program and its international partners and local, controlling the epidemic through an organized and widespread vaccination campaign. .” He said: “The Ministry returned to organize a vaccination campaign about two months ago in the areas at risk after the news emerged that cholera had returned to Syria and hospitals were contacted to treat a case to find suspected diarrhea. “. He said: “As a result of this proactive effort, the first case announced by the Ministry was disclosed, which is the case of an elderly Lebanese woman who has no connection to the shelter centers. Instead, she lives in her home in the village of Samouniya in Akkar, and is currently receiving treatment after being isolated. ” He confirmed, “The teams attached to the epidemiological investigation program carried out a comprehensive study of the city, those involved, water and sanitation, and samples were taken from the water that is used in the area and from the transit camps, and the tests have not yet shown positive results.“.

Minister Al-Abyad pointed out that “efforts are continuing with partners to check all water sources in the region, as well as to ensure that there is chlorine to purify water and diesel to ensure the operation of the pumps and primary care centers are also reminded how they should be involved in the case of cholera, and everyone knows this due to previous experience two years ago. “. He said: “We are at the highest level of preparedness should the epidemic spread. Al-Abyad pointed out that “concern could come from overcrowding in shelters and lack of necessary water, since the numbers of displaced people are large and most of them are from the south, because that the ministry had not done. vaccination campaign two years ago because the south was not considered at that time to be an area at risk of the spread of the epidemic.” He said: “The Ministry is aware of this situation and They are making every effort to control it quickly.”. He announced the start of consultations with the World Health Organization to bring a sufficient number of vaccines to Lebanon and implement a vaccination campaign. He pointed out that “it is not easy to get the vaccine, because the cholera disease is spreading in thirty countries in the world,” hoping that “Lebanon will be among the countries that will receive the amount of he needs vaccinations. “.

Grant fromPandemic Fund

The Minister of Public Health concluded with good news for the Lebanese, announcing “the World Bank‘s response to Lebanon’s request for a grant from the…Pandemic Fund of the World Bank to support the epidemiological surveillance program and the central laboratory to strengthen health security in Lebanon.

He revealed, “More than one hundred and ninety applications have been submitted from other countries to receive such a grant from the World Bank, with the number of applications amounting to four billion and five hundred million dollars, while that the amount proposed to be distributed is only 500. million dollars.

Minister Al-Abyad said: “I am very happy to accept Lebanon’s request because the donation will help strengthen our health security, and we must thank the team of the Ministry of Public Health and the partners in UNICEF , the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Agriculture, and the FAO for the effort made to obtain the grant.”.

2024-10-18 10:11:00

#irresponsible #reports #medicine.. #AlAbyad #problem #cases #cholera

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