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after Germany and Belgium, the UK’s turn to be hit

Europe under water. After Germany and Belgium in mid-July, it is the UK’s turn to be affected by major floods. Overview of the situations country by country.


Thunderstorm torrential rains over the south-east of England on Sunday caused flooding in the streets of London at the end of the day. What cause disruption in transport (train, bus, car, subways). On Twitter, London firefighters said Monday morning that they had received more than 1,000 calls for flood-related incidents. The bad weather is expected to continue until Monday.


On July 14 and 15, Germany experienced its biggest natural disaster in decades. Torrential rains, caused by the phenomenon of the “cold drop” – a mass of cold air blocked at high altitude above an area, resulting in high instability – caused deadly floods. The latest report shows 180 dead – including 132 in the Rhineland-Palatinate region alone – while 150 people are still missing or unreachable. An extreme event put by many political leaders – in particular Chancellor Angela Merkel – on the account of climate change, placing this theme at the center of the campaign for the legislative elections of September 26.


The episode of severe weather which hit Europe in mid-July also had dramatic consequences in Belgium. Historical floods have killed 36 people in the country, mainly in the valleys of eastern Wallonia, the French-speaking part of the country. A day of national mourning in tribute to the victims was observed on July 20, a first since the 2016 jihadist attacks in Brussels. Severe thunderstorms caused further flooding last weekend, causing significant damage in the province of Namur, in the south of the country.

And other countries as well …

If Germany and Belgium were the two European countries hardest hit by the severe bad weather in mid-July in Europe, other countries were also victims. This is the case of Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland or Poland, where significant material damage was observed. In France, water has also invaded the streets of several cities in the northeast.

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