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After differentiated autonomy, referendum for ius soli: the proposal by Magi of +Europa

A referendum for Italian citizenship. A question on ‘ius soli’ to repeal the law in force with the result of uniting the recognition of citizenship to birth on Italian soil: in other words, anyone born in our country to foreign parents is Italian in all respects.

The hypothesis, launched by Richard Magi secretary of +Europa, is that of a real referendum with signatures collected on the digital platform put into operation a few days ago and used for Differentiated Autonomy. With the aim of “forming a common front”, as Magi himself explains, and therefore of involving the other political forces of the opposition, but also associations, the secular third sector but also the Catholic one. As happened, precisely, for the collection of signatures in support of the referendum against the Calderoli bill, which in just ten days exceeded the quorum of 500 thousand signatures on the web.

+Europa therefore wants to try to repeal some passages of the law in force, the one from 1992. Specifically, the part of the law that requires those born in Italy to request citizenship only upon reaching 18 years of age and have lived here from birth until coming of age without interruption.

The text is still being finalized but Magi is already at work. In these hours the first contacts have been initiated with the leaders of the other opposition parties, starting with Angel Bonelli e Nicholas Fratoianni by Avs. Everyone seems to agree on wanting to change the rule. Including the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schleinwho last January, in his speech at the national conference “People First” on the topic of migration at the Nazareno, had observed: “On the citizenship reform there are open wounds that we have experienced in these years. We are here to resume that battle once and for all. This is a just battle that the Democratic Party supports because it is a battle of civilization: whoever is born or grows up in Italy is Italian and no one can take this right away”.

For Magi it is necessary to “create the widest possible network because up until 10 years ago citizenship was a cross-cutting issue, all political forces supported that it should be reformed. Then Salvini started a populist campaign against immigration and we went backwards. The issue has almost disappeared from the political agenda, but it still represents an injustice. Now we need to resume this battle and say enough to this ghettoization”.

#differentiated #autonomy #referendum #ius #soli #proposal #Magi #Europa
– 2024-08-05 10:30:31

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