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After Cuomo’s resignation: New York becomes the first woman at the top

After Cuomo’s resignation
New York gets first woman at the top

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo resigns after harassment charges. In around two weeks, a woman will take over the office for the first time in his deputy, Kathy Hochul. She distances herself clearly from her boss and announces changes.

Following the resignation of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, his designated successor, Kathy Hochul, publicly distanced herself from him and promised changes. “I think it’s very clear that the governor and I weren’t very close,” said the 62-year-old Democratic Party politician at her first press conference as governor-designate in Albany. In the coming year, she also wants to run for a full term of office, Hochul told TV broadcaster NBC. Cuomo’s current term of office, which Hochul is now to take over, expires at the end of 2022.

The working atmosphere under Cuomo was described in one report as “hostile” to women and as a “climate of fear”. Hochul promised that that would change under her leadership. There will also be personnel changes. Hochul has been Cuomo’s deputy since 2015. “At the end of my term, whenever that will be, no one will describe my government as a toxic work environment,” she said. She also promised transparency.

Cuomo resigned on Tuesday after ten years in office – a week after an official investigation alleged that he had sexually harassed several women. The 63-year-old Democratic Party politician announced that he would resign in 14 days – then Hochul will take over. This will be the first time a woman will officiate as governor of the state on the US east coast, at least temporarily.

Of the events described in the report, they did not notice anything, said Hochul at NBC. “I wasn’t there when these things happened and I thought it was disgusting when they came out.” The handover will be seamless, Cuomo promised her that, said the lawyer and mother of two, who has held various political offices in the state for decades.

Her style is to listen to people and then act decisively. “I’ll fight like hell for you every day,” she promised the people of New York State. Hochul defended the issues that she and Cuomo had campaigned for in recent years – including the minimum wage. The government has achieved a lot in this regard. “I know the job, I’ve fought for the same issues, so I’m better suited to this job than anyone else.”

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