Home » today » News » After Créteil and Saint-Maur, the mayor of Kremlin-Bicêtre demands the elimination of coronapistes

After Créteil and Saint-Maur, the mayor of Kremlin-Bicêtre demands the elimination of coronapistes

“The provisional Covid cycle path avenue de Fontainebleau must be removed”, demands the mayor of the Kremlin-Bicêtre, JeanLuc Laurent (MRC), a few days after his counterparts in Créteil and Saint-Maur.

“This is what I asked when the municipal council was installed on July 6. This temporary track does not allow a fair sharing of public space: motorists are penalized by a single lane in the direction Paris-Villejuif while cyclists use a temporary cycle path which is not sufficiently secure. The track also has the effect of increasing traffic jams, nuisances and pollution on avenue de Fontainebleau ”, argues the mayor.

The city council is however ready to find a compromise by playing on the bus route. “However, a mayor cannot just cry out ‘suppression’, he must think about the future. I made concrete proposals to the departmental council, with which a new meeting is scheduled quickly. I asked him to study a scenario transforming the bus lane into a two-way cycle path, with the buses on the automobile lane, and another proposal which consists in widening the lane to keep the buses and bikes in the direction of Villejuif. -Paris and add a double meaning for cyclists ”, details the mayor.

In the meantime, the municipal council of September 24 will set up an extra-municipal commission on mobility, composed equally of elected officials, representatives of users and citizens.

Last week, the Vélo Ile-de-France collective organized a rally at the Kremlin-Bicêtre, on the RD7, to defend this coronapist among the most frequented, quantifying the bicycle flow at 5,000 per day.

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