Home » today » News » After corona infections in New York: Bolsonaro questions quarantine | 09/24/21

After corona infections in New York: Bolsonaro questions quarantine | 09/24/21

BRASÍLIA (dpa-AFX) – Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has questioned the quarantine imposed on him after his health minister’s positive corona test during a business trip to New York. He asked the health surveillance authority Anvisa about this, Bolsonaro said in a broadcast on social media on Thursday evening (local time).

After returning from the USA, Bolsonaro is currently in isolation for five days in the government palace in the capital Brasília, according to Brazilian media reports. Then he wants to do a new test. Anvisa, which allows corona vaccines in Brazil, recommended a 14-day quarantine to Bolsonaro and members of the Brazilian delegation, who had contact with Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga.

Queiroga announced Tuesday that it had tested positive for the coronavirus and was being quarantined in New York. He had participated with Bolsonaro in the general debate of the United Nations and was also at the UN headquarters on the East River. Another member of the delegation had previously tested positive.

In the days in New York Queiroga also tweeted photos with Bolsonaro, his wife Michele and representatives of investment funds, among others. He also had a meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who in turn met US President Joe Biden. The UK news agency PA reported Thursday night that Johnson had tested negative./mfa/DP/stw

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