Home » today » Entertainment » After Borghese also Briatore against young people who want to be paid to work. And it starts again with the attack on citizenship income

After Borghese also Briatore against young people who want to be paid to work. And it starts again with the attack on citizenship income

He could be missing Flavio Briatore? No, she couldn’t. And in fact, here it is, deployed alongside the cook Alessandro Borghese. While Borghese laments the claim of young people to be paid even if they learn in the meantime, Briatore takes it out on the citizenship income, the origin of all or almost all evils. After all, the controversy over wages is triggered punctually on the eve of each summer, the season in which there is the greatest need for young people to be underpaid and treated like hell. And instead there is someone who has the daring to ask for a salary or, open heaven, not to work every weekend at all. “The boys? They prefer hold tight on weekends to have fun with friends. And when they decide to try, they do it with the arrogance of those who feel they have arrived and the claim to receive important rewards. Immediately. I will be unpopular, but I have no problem saying that working to learn doesn’t necessarily mean getting paid“Complained Borghese from the pages of the Corriere della Sera.

Briatore instead delivers his reflections to the site Fanpage. Naturally in support of the reasoning of the two restaurant managers there is not a shred of data. Also because the data says exactly the opposite like Ilfattoquotidiano.it he remarked in a long series of articles and reports. Among these, one dedicated to working and contractual conditions, both very bad, in the world of “starred” restaurants. Verzuolo’s manager stated that he would have no problem finding the staff he needs in Dubai and Saudi Arabia. On the contrary, he would encounter difficulties in Italy. He believes that the problem is the citizenship income which would become “the real ambition” of young people. After all, one wonders, who wouldn’t think of building a bright future by counting on an average check below 500 euros a month?

And it must be just like that because, despite saying to offer 2 thousand euros a month, young people don’t take it into consideration. “I am one who pays well and who pays everyone. With me the basic contract starts at 1,800-2000 euros net per month. The intern is also paid. Anyone who joins my group gets trained, takes courses, gets paid. And if you are good you grow up, there are those who take 4-5-10 thousand euros and more. But the problem is that the kids have lost the value of their work: as a young man I picked apples for two pennies, and I did it with passion. Now the goal is the opposite, not to work. I repeat: the fault of the citizenship income, a real catastrophe “.

The official data of Istat and Inps say exactly the opposite, ie that seasonal jobs, fixed-term jobs continue to rise, above the values ​​prior to the introduction of citizenship income. Studies conducted by the most authoritative universities in the world have explained how a basic income is something that helps countries improve productivity, as companies do not lean on low labor costs, benefiting the economy as a whole and without any backlash for employment levels. But in the microcosm of the tables on the Costa Smeralda, things are evidently different. As well as in Saudi Arabia, the Mecca of labor law, social achievements and new renaissance. The solution? But very simple: leave the citizenship income only to needy families and block it for young people at least from April to October, just in time for the opening and closing of the Billionaire of Porto Cervo.

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